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The noble arte of venerie or hvnting

VVherein is handled and set out the Vertues, Nature, and Properties of fiuetene sundrie Chaces togither, with the order and maner how to Hunte and kill euery one of them. Translated and collected for the pleasure of all Noblemen and Gentlemen, out of the best approued Authors, which haue written anything concerning the same: And reduced into such order and proper termes as are vsed here, in this noble Realme of England [by George Turbervile]

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The Blazon pronounced by the Huntsman.

I am the Hunte, whiche rathe and earely ryse,
(My bottell filde, with wine in any wise)
Twoo draughts I drinke, to stay my steppes withall,
For eche foote one, bicause I would not fall.
Then take my Hownde, in liam me behinde,
The stately Harte, in fryth or fell to finde.
And whiles I seeke his slotte where he hath fedde,
The sweete byrdes sing, to cheare my drowsie hedde.


And when my Hounde, doth streyne vpon good vent,
I must confesse, the same dothe me content.
But when I haue, my couerts walkt aboute,
And harbred fast, the Harte for commyng out:
Then I returne, to make a graue reporte,
VVhereas I finde, th'assembly doth resorte.
And lowe I crouche, before the Lordings all,
Out of my Horne, the fewmets lette I fall,
And other signes, and tokens do I tell,
To make them hope, the Harte may like them well.
Then they commaunde, that I the wine should taste,
So biddes mine Arte: and so my throte I baste.
The dinner done, I go streightwayes agayne,
Vnto my markes, and shewe my Master playne.
Then put my Hounde, vpon the view to drawe,
And rowse the Harte, out of his layre by lawe.
O gamsters all, a little by your leaue,
Can you suche ioyes in triflyng games conceaue?