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Pans Pipe, Three Pastorall Eglogues, in English Hexameter

With Other Poetical Verses delightfull. For the further delight of the Reader, the Printer hath annexed hereunto the delectable Poeme of the Fisher-mans Tale [by Francis Sabie]

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[Glōmie Winter raign'd as King]
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[Glōmie Winter raign'd as King]

Glōmie Winter raign'd as King,
Hoarie frost did nip each thing:
Fields look'd naked now and bare,
Fields which like a Chaos were.
Earth of grasse was now quite voyde,
Boreas each thing destroyd.
Leauelesse trees seem'd to lament,
Chirping birdes were discontent:
Seeking foode in vncoth lanes,
Where they caught their fatall banes.
Philomene did now recant
Wofully sharp winters want:
Progne fled to place vnknowne,
Somewhere making doleful mone.
Tereus pincht with want did crie,
Iustly plagu'd for villany,
Fish in deepe themselues did hide,
Daring not in foordes abide:
Cattel bleated for their meat.
Cattell found no foode to eate.
Titan had his head lift vp,
Lulde a sleepe in Thetis lap.
When two Swaines were newly gone.
Melibeus and Damon,
Hungrie flocks to let from folde,
Flockes half staru'd with want and colde.
Heards had eaten mornings baite,
Shepheards met together strait.
Melibeus, men report,
Spake to Damon in this sort.