University of Virginia Library

The Picture of a Pirat.

My dwelling is vpon the raging waues,
My house by stormes is tost and carried still:
My seruants are a crew of theeuish Knaues,
To Neptunes rage I Tennant am at will,
My Neighbours are the Monsters of the Seas:
The great Leuiathan, and worse then these.
My life is spent in all outragious euils,
Vertue abhors the place of my abode:
My Ship is man'd euen with Incarnate deuils,
My heart (with Dauid's foole) denies a God,
And those same lavves (they say) he gaue to men:
My lawlesse nature keepes not one of ten.
When for a time I haue run on my race,
As former Pirates, my vngratious Fellowes:
I must expect a fatall dying place:
And make account to Anker at the Gallowes:
There like a Swan, to sing my dying hower,
That liu'd a Rauen, onely to deuoure.