An Ansvvere to a Romish Rime lately printed, and entituled, A proper new Ballad wherein are contayned Catholike questions to the Protestant. The which Ballad was put foorth without date or day, name of Authour or Printer, Libell-like, scattered and sent abroad, to withdraw the simple from the fayth of Christ, vnto the doctrine of Antichrist the Pope of Rome. Written by that Protestant Catholike, I. R. [i.e. John Rhodes] |
A pretty fine Answere to a Romish Rime, entituled, A proper newe Ballad, &c. |
An Ansvvere to a Romish Rime lately printed, and entituled, A proper new Ballad | ||
A pretty fine Answere to a Romish Rime, entituled, A proper newe Ballad, &c.
The Papists request.
I Pray thee, Protestant, beare with me,to aske thee questions 2. or three:
And if an answere thou cāst make,
more of thy counsell I will take.
If not, then must thou be content,
that I remayne as I am bent,
A Romane Catholike to bee,
which was a Protestant once with thee:
But now am gone away from you,
to those I take for Christians true.
The Protestants answere.
I am content, Sir Catholike,to heare & grant the thing you seek:
But how should I assured be,
that you will then be rulde by mee,
When in your Lawe it is set downe,
you may break faith with King & Clown?
Well, yet if God and learned men
will giue me leaue to vse my pen,
I answere will (though simply)
your questions drawne from Popery.
The Papists complaynt.
Many and sundry sects appeare,now in the world both farre and neere:
The Protestant, the Puritan,
the Caluanist, and Zwinglian,
the Brownist, and the family of loue,
and many mo that I can proue:
Besides the Romane faith truely,
which Protestants call, Papistry.
All these are Christs true Church, they say:
but now on which shall my soule stay?
The Protestants answere.
Strange sects there are, and so will be,the Church to trye in eche degree:
But for the most of them you name,
they are not worthy of that blame.
The Brownist, he is punished:
the Familists from vs are fled:
If we were rid of Papists too,
both kingdomes should haue lesse to doo.
And you that will of sects complayne,
shew which by Law we doe maintayne.
The Papists further complaynt.
All these with Rome in very deede,rehearse all Articles of the Creede:
And euery one of them still saith,
theirs is the true Catholike faith.
But how should I amongst all these,
know truth from falshood, God to please?
This is the thing that still I seeke,
to know the true Church Catholike,
The fellowship and company
of holy men in vnity.
The Protestants answere.
If these with Rome, and thousands moe,receyue our Creede, and yet will goe
So many hundred steppes awry,
as Willer dooth in you descry,
They are not worthy once to heare
the name of Christians any where.
Returne agayne therefore, I say,
to Christ, and to Gods word alway.
Then shall you see, that Unity
is nothing without Uerity.
3 The Church of Rome Catholike.
The Papist proceedes.
I in your Bibles thus haue read,The Church must through the world be spred,
For Christ he his Apostles sent:
with power and with commandement,
That to all nations they should goe,
to preach and to baptize also.
What company then tooke in hand,
to winne and to conuert this Land,
With other countreyes farre and neere,
but Rome our Mother-Church most deere?
The Protestants answere.
Our Bibles teach all trueth in deede,which euery Christian ought to reede:
But Papists thereto will say nay:
because their deedes it dooth bewray.
Christ he the twelue Apostles sent.
But who gaue you commandement,
To winne and gather any where,
to binde by othe, to vowe, and sweare
Newe Proselytes to Popery,
'gaynst trueth, our Prince & Countrey?
The Papist proceedes.
Saint Paul in his Epistle sayth,The Romanes had the Catholike fayth,
And was so farre foorth renowned,
that none like it was published,
Throughout the world in places all,
to be the trueth vniuersall.
If yours in England had bene so,
then to your Churches I would goe.
But till you proue your faith thus cleere,
to yours I will no more come neere.
The Protestants answere.
VVhen Rome returnes to Christ againe,and be as once it did remaine:
I meane, when Paul to them did write,
and when that fifteene Popes in sight,
Did suffer for the Gospell pure,
England for truth you may be sure,
Will ioyne and ioy with Rome againe,
with Italy, with Fraunce and Spaine:
And Antichrist shall be cast downe,
which now doth weare ye triple crowne.
The Papist proceedes.
UUe reade in Prophet Malachy,there shall be offrings farre and nye,
A cleane oblation Sacrifice,
from place where now the Sun doth rise,
Vnto the setting of the same.
O what is that, I pray thee name?
If this be not the holy Masse,
ile be a Protestant as I was:
Wherefore resolue me speedily,
if thou wilt haue my company.
The Protestants answere.
Saint Ierome and Tertullian,or any other learned man,
Writing on this short Prophecy,
preached by Prophet Malachy,
Shall iudge in this for vs and you,
who giues best sence and meaning true.
We say it speakes of pure prayer,
not of your Masse, but Christs Supper.
And you to make poore soules your asse,
doe say, it's meant of Popish Masse.
The Papist proceedes.
In th' eighteenth Psalme there it is found,that the world shall heare their sound,
That is to say, shall vnderstand,
in euery Nation, Realme, and Land,
That Rome, and eke the fayth of Rome,
is vniuersall without doome.
Go where you will the world throughout,
and Rome is famous without doubt.
And if this marke you doe not want,
then presently I will recant.
The Protestants answere.
The Psalme for number you mistooke,Eighteene for nineteene in your booke:
The sense thereof first literall:
is meant of creatures great and small.
And to the Romanes for the sound,
is meant Gods word, which doth aboūd:
And not for Popish doctrine taught,
of which, in that age, no man thought.
Therefore your sound, glory, and fame,
is now nought else but open shame.
[4] The Church of Romes continuance.
The Papist proceedes.
This is another marke most sure,the fayth of Christ must still endure:
According as our Sauiour sayd,
when for Saint Peter once he prayd.
Simon, thy faith shall neuer fayle:
the gates of hell shall not preuayle:
The holy Ghost your Comforter,
he shall remayne with you euer:
And my selfe, your surest friend,
will be with you to the worlds end.
The Protestants answere.
UUe graunt, the trueth must stil endure:but of this one thing let's be sure:
And that is, whether we, or you,
doe hold the Fayth of Christ most true.
your doctrine is a doung-hill heape
of mans traditions, which did creepe
Into the Church, by some and some,
vntil you had spoyled Christs Kingdome.
Christs words to Peter you abuse:
therefore your sense we doe refuse.
The Papist proceedes.
Saint Paul doeth playnly write and say,There shall be in the Church alway,
Apostles, Prophets, and such like,
that for the flocke of Christ shall seeke,
And by their preaching bring them home,
of Iewes & Gentiles, where they roame.
Our Church haue these, and many moe,
which labour thus, and bide much woe.
If this be false, and not at Rome,
then will I be conuerted soone.
The Protestants answere.
Saint Paul in places three doeth showe,what men into the world should goe:
And after those, of Pastours all,
that should bring men frō Sathans thrall,
In setled Congregation still,
there to be taught Gods word and will.
But as for Munks, for Priests, for Fryers,
for Iesuites, and common lyers,
They haue no warrant in Gods word,
although they reigne with fire & sword.
5 The Church visible.
The Papist proceedes.
This is another marke most cleare,the Church of God must still appeare,
And as a City on a hill,
so must we see it flourish still.
And as a candle shining bright,
so must Gods Church appeare in sight.
Our Sauiour saith, If one offend,
and will not by rebukes amend,
Esteeme him as a wicked man,
a Heathen or a Publican.
The Protestants answere.
How long will Papists blinded be,in that which euery eye may see?
The Church is called Militant,
and troubles it doth neuer want:
So that sometimes as Sunne and Moone,
it is eclip'st and hath her doome,
In mans conceit to shine no more:
but God againe doth her restore,
To shine and shew her beautie bright,
to teach and censure men aright.
6 Of Succession.
The Papist proceedes.
And is not that the Church most true,wherein succeeded still in viewe,
Of Bishops some two hundred three,
as thou in Histories mayest see?
Saint Peter first, and then the rest,
which haue the people taught and blest?
Shew me this marke once amongst you,
and I will say your faith is true.
If not, it is the Church of Rome,
that I will cleaue vnto for doome.
The Protestants answere.
For trueth, this your successioncame from false Prophets euery one,
From Balaams time vnto this day,
with high Priests and such like alway,
And holy Scripture doth describe
the Pope with his condemned pride:
And though you say he doth excell,
yet he and you may burne in hell.
Iohn in the Reuelation,
writes of Romes desolation.
7 Of their Vnity.
The Papist proceedes.
There is another marke also,by which the true Church you may know,
And that in deede is Vnitie,
set out in many a Similie
By Christ our Sauiour, who foretold,
of one Shepheard, and one sheepefold,
One Spowse, one husband her to loue,
one darling deare, and one fayre Doue:
One fayth, one baptisme is heere,
and no dissention dooth appeare.
The Protestants answere.
The name of Church, I know, you seeke,though euery way you be vnlike.
By these your markes eche filth may proue,
themselues to be Christs Church, & Doue.
Eche sinne is spred vniuersall,
it's visible to great and small:
Idolaters haue Unity,
and hypocrites Antiquity:
But Trueth, which euery one should bring,
they and you want in euery thing.
8 Their Holinesse.
The Papist proceedes.
You Protestants doe daily read,in Nicen and Apostles Creed,
The Church of God must holy bee,
which we performe in each degree:
Most holy men and sacrifice,
sweet seruice and fine Ceremonies:
Seuen Sacraments we haue alwaies,
double and treble holydaies:
Virgins and Saints, Martyrs and all,
be ours, and you haue none at all.
The Protestants answere.
Gods Church, we know, is sanctifide,by Christ his spirit, who is their guide,
And holy dueties still they doe,
on Sabboth daies and other too.
But your vaine seruice we detest,
your May-game pastimes and the rest:
Your Popish Saints and votaries all,
your traytrous Martyrs great & small.
Nothing in you but Holynesse,
when none commit more wickednesse.
9 A speach touching heretikes, Schismatikes, &c.
The Papist proceedes, and concludes with this speach.
Ovr Sauiour warnes vs to haue care,and of false prophets to beware,
Which in his name to vs will come,
not sent by him, and yet they runne:
Strong theeues, not entring in aright
by Christ the dore, but in the night
They breake in at the windowe hie,
and deale that none may them espie:
Their comming is not to doe good,
but like to Wolues they thirst for blood.
Yet in sheepes clothing these doe goe,because Gods people should not knowe,
But that they are his Pastors sure,
which Christ hath sēt with doctrine pure,
To teach, to preach, to set and sowe,
that Christ in th' end might reap & mow:
But when their seeds are somewhat sprung,
they proue but tares and darnell young,
Thistles and thornes so are they found,
choking and cumbering the ground.
These liue e'ne as they list truly,their God, we see, is their belly:
Like dogges and foxes so they range,
sects they deuise, and schismes strange,
Heaping vpon themselues damnation,
for liuing after such a fashion.
These notes and marks we find in you,
more then in any Turke or Iew,
Who doe deny the name of Christ,
and doe not make them any Priest.
You say, that your faith did appeare,to be the truth sixe hundred yeare:
But tell me then, Sir, if you can,
when Popery at first began?
Where were the seruants of the Lord?
durst none of them then speake a word?
Where were the feeders of the sheep?
were they all dead, or fast asleepe?
Did none of them defend the trueth,
but was controld in age and youth?
Did now S. Peters strong faith fayle?and did the gates of hell preuayle?
Or did the salt his sauour lose?
did Christ some other spouse then choose?
Or was truths piller ouerthrowne?
by which all truth was to be knowne?
If this were so, Christs word so playne,
and promises must be but vaine:
Which was, that heauen and earth should quaile,
before his word one iote should faile.
Where haue you byn so long a time?and vnto whom did your light shine?
Where did your chiefest Pastor sit?
who kept your keies, your helme & ship?
Shew vs some Churches you haue built,
as we can shew where you haue spilt.
What, were all damn'd eternally,
that were not of your company?
How might a man haue found you out,
to heare and helpe in things of doubt?
When Luther, like a lying Fryer,one, whom the diuell did inspire,
Did breake his vowe to wed a Nun,
euen then your heresie begun,
And fauoured was in Saxony,
by Dukes that loued liberty:
And in King Edwards time agayne,
it gan to grow and spread amayne,
A thousand yeeres you write and say,
that Papistry did beare the sway.
And during all that time and space,we say, you durst not shew your face.
Who kept the holy Scriptures then,
from hands of vilde and wicked men?
Who had authority to ordaine
Bishops, Doctors, and Priests againe?
For he that came in without order,
comes as a theefe to steale and murder:
He is a Wolfe, and not a Priest,
an enemy, no friend to Christ.
And one thing more dooth make me muse,that our Priests you did not refuse,
To say your seruice, and to sing
a Psalme of Dauid. Note that thing.
This man a Benefice might haue,
if he at any time did craue.
Like Ieroboam, so dealt yee,
and tooke all sorts of eche degree.
A worthy mingle-mangle then
was made of you, for lacke of men.
How may your Church make any Priest,if she be not the Church of Christ?
Answere these questions, if you can,
and I will be a Protestan.
But while your answere you deuise,
I counsell all men that are wise,
To hold the fayth mayntayned heere,
the space of fifteene hundred yeere,
Or of one thousand at the least:
frō which who turnes, shal proue a beast.
Saint Austin our Apostle was,who came from Rome, & here said Masse:
He first arriued here in Kent,
and so to other places went:
His faith came from Pope Gregory;
which fayth was kept successiuely,
By many Bishops, as we read,
from Peters time, who was their head,
Who learn'd his fayth of Christ, I say:
to whom be prayse nowe and alway.
Amen. Amend, Papists, amend.
The Protestants answere to the Papists
large conclusion.
this time you are out of breath.
such periods may breede your death:
But I will set out with such pace,
as shall, and may, I hope, winne grace
With God, with Christ, and all good men,
that euer wrote with inke and pen:
The goale I trust to winne at last,
and when I haue it, hold it fast,
Unto the honour of his name,
that gaue me power to winne the same.
such periods may breede your death:
But I will set out with such pace,
as shall, and may, I hope, winne grace
With God, with Christ, and all good men,
that euer wrote with inke and pen:
The goale I trust to winne at last,
and when I haue it, hold it fast,
Unto the honour of his name,
that gaue me power to winne the same.
The most of these I might reuert
vpon your selues, which can peruert
Both word and history of times,
to cloke your lewd and open crimes.
But some thing briefly I will say,
for that which you cast in our way,
As stumbling blocks for euery one,
to stumble at, where you make mone.
Consider well, that you therefore,
are euen those men whom ye abhore.
vpon your selues, which can peruert
Both word and history of times,
to cloke your lewd and open crimes.
But some thing briefly I will say,
for that which you cast in our way,
As stumbling blocks for euery one,
to stumble at, where you make mone.
Consider well, that you therefore,
are euen those men whom ye abhore.
You are false prophets, teaching lies,
you weare sheepes clothing, to disguise:
You runne and range, not being sent,
for which you ought still to repent.
You are those theeues that enter in
to Christ his Church, and neuer lyn,
Till you haue stor'd your selues with good,
& fild your selues, like wolues, with blood:
You enter not by Christ the doore,
but by the Pope, that Romish whoore.
you weare sheepes clothing, to disguise:
You runne and range, not being sent,
for which you ought still to repent.
You are those theeues that enter in
to Christ his Church, and neuer lyn,
Till you haue stor'd your selues with good,
& fild your selues, like wolues, with blood:
You enter not by Christ the doore,
but by the Pope, that Romish whoore.
You blind mēs eies with outward showes,
and say that you are no mans foes:
You fast from flesh, to eat good fish,
with fruits and many a costly dish:
You pray on beades, and prey on men,
you doe deuoure maids and women:
You seldome preach, and that but lies,
the Pope and Popelings to suffice:
Your doctrine comes frō the Popes schoole,
where many a wise man proues a foole.
and say that you are no mans foes:
with fruits and many a costly dish:
You pray on beades, and prey on men,
you doe deuoure maids and women:
You seldome preach, and that but lies,
the Pope and Popelings to suffice:
Your doctrine comes frō the Popes schoole,
where many a wise man proues a foole.
Your doctrine comes not from Gods booke,
but you on lyes and Legends looke:
On festiuals, and liues of Saints,
which you haue made with your owne paints:
Gods word you count of little force,
and to the same haue small remorse:
Your people from it you disswade,
because that like two-edged blade,
It doth deuide, and eke descry,
mans sinne and Popish trechery.
but you on lyes and Legends looke:
On festiuals, and liues of Saints,
which you haue made with your owne paints:
Gods word you count of little force,
and to the same haue small remorse:
Your people from it you disswade,
because that like two-edged blade,
It doth deuide, and eke descry,
mans sinne and Popish trechery.
Your doctrine is but darnell sure,
vnto this graine, Gods word so pure.
What is the chaffe vnto the wheat?
what is mans wit to wisdome great?
Your gold is brasse, your siluer tinne,
your teaching drosse, your deeds but sinne.
Remember what you taught and did,
before that your bad tricks were spi'd:
Remember persons, time and place,
and so repent, and call for grace.
vnto this graine, Gods word so pure.
What is the chaffe vnto the wheat?
what is mans wit to wisdome great?
Your gold is brasse, your siluer tinne,
your teaching drosse, your deeds but sinne.
before that your bad tricks were spi'd:
Remember persons, time and place,
and so repent, and call for grace.
Whereas you charge our liues for bad,
we grieue thereat, we are not glad:
If you did rule, it would be so,
and ten times worse, full well I knowe.
This Realme is very populous,
and you like night-birds hinder vs.
Christ said, you know, that in each land,
sinne it would get the vpper hand.
Let all men striue therefore, say I,
against all sinne and Popery.
we grieue thereat, we are not glad:
If you did rule, it would be so,
and ten times worse, full well I knowe.
This Realme is very populous,
and you like night-birds hinder vs.
Christ said, you know, that in each land,
sinne it would get the vpper hand.
Let all men striue therefore, say I,
against all sinne and Popery.
You liue at ease, and as you will,
like Epicures your selues you fill,
Your belly is your God in deed,
your puffed cheekes your hands doe feede.
The best of all things in eche land,
by flights you got into your hand.
Thus did you fast, thus did you prey
on men and women night and day.
A thousand waies your gaines came in,
through Antichrist that man of sinne.
like Epicures your selues you fill,
Your belly is your God in deed,
your puffed cheekes your hands doe feede.
The best of all things in eche land,
by flights you got into your hand.
Thus did you fast, thus did you prey
on men and women night and day.
A thousand waies your gaines came in,
through Antichrist that man of sinne.
You would no wiues, for that was ill,
but whoores and harlots at your will:
No woman must come in your sight,
vnlesse it were some Nun by night.
Your common Stewes you still maintaine:
for why? they bring the Pope much gaine.
When Monasteries brake vp here,
then did your filthynesse appeare:
Thousands of Infants heads were found
in ponds and priuies, which you drownd.
but whoores and harlots at your will:
No woman must come in your sight,
vnlesse it were some Nun by night.
Your common Stewes you still maintaine:
for why? they bring the Pope much gaine.
When Monasteries brake vp here,
then did your filthynesse appeare:
Thousands of Infants heads were found
in ponds and priuies, which you drownd.
Like dogges and foxes therefore, you
did lead your liues, it is your due:
Like swine, like wolues, like sathans brood,
that neuer did Gods people good:
Like hypocrites in euery place,
you liued, and doe without Gods grace:
You make poore people to beleeue,
that you can all their sinnes forgiue.
It were too long to make relation,
how you and yours deserue damnation.
did lead your liues, it is your due:
Like swine, like wolues, like sathans brood,
that neuer did Gods people good:
Like hypocrites in euery place,
you liued, and doe without Gods grace:
You make poore people to beleeue,
that you can all their sinnes forgiue.
It were too long to make relation,
how you and yours deserue damnation.
But where you say, that we doe write
of this our faith, which you despite,
That it was found, and did appeare,
to be the trueth sixe hundred yeare:
We say, that from Christ his Assension,
for our fayth was no such contention,
As Papists make now at this day,
nor in that space of yeeres we say:
But this our faith it euer stood,
euen since that Abel lost his blood.
of this our faith, which you despite,
to be the trueth sixe hundred yeare:
We say, that from Christ his Assension,
for our fayth was no such contention,
As Papists make now at this day,
nor in that space of yeeres we say:
But this our faith it euer stood,
euen since that Abel lost his blood.
On Gods sweet word we doe depend:
for it shall iudge vs in the end;
It is our wisdome and our ioy,
and mans traditions are a toy.
Though some things hard doe there appeare,
the rest we read in all the yeare:
And find, that it sufficient is,
to guide all men to heauenly blisse.
What would you more, but that you stand,
for Popish trash in euery land?
for it shall iudge vs in the end;
It is our wisdome and our ioy,
and mans traditions are a toy.
Though some things hard doe there appeare,
the rest we read in all the yeare:
And find, that it sufficient is,
to guide all men to heauenly blisse.
What would you more, but that you stand,
for Popish trash in euery land?
Now, where you aske of Popery,
when it began, and to sit hie?
I answere will to your demand,
both readily and out of hand.
It bred in the Apostles time,
and so increaste by many a signe:
Great strife then grew three hundred yeres,
as in Church stories it appeares,
For many things, but chiefly one,
who should be supreme head alone.
when it began, and to sit hie?
I answere will to your demand,
both readily and out of hand.
It bred in the Apostles time,
and so increaste by many a signe:
as in Church stories it appeares,
For many things, but chiefly one,
who should be supreme head alone.
All Bishops wrote against this thing:
no emperour would euer bring
Any one Bishop to the same,
till wicked Phocas time, by name:
But he a wicked murtherer,
vnto this act was furtherer,
That none might checke him for that deede,
of killing father, mother, and seede.
Thus did proud Bishop Boniface,
third of that name, set in highest place.
no emperour would euer bring
Any one Bishop to the same,
till wicked Phocas time, by name:
But he a wicked murtherer,
vnto this act was furtherer,
That none might checke him for that deede,
of killing father, mother, and seede.
Thus did proud Bishop Boniface,
third of that name, set in highest place.
And now the other Bishops three,
that made vp foure of one degree,
Were first made vassall vnto Rome,
from whence all Popish trash doth come.
When Boniface was thus aloft,
he playd his part, and wonders wrought:
And so did all of Rome beside,
vntill they grew to their full pride;
And were of late vnhorst agayne.
by Christian Kings that them disdayne.
that made vp foure of one degree,
Were first made vassall vnto Rome,
from whence all Popish trash doth come.
When Boniface was thus aloft,
he playd his part, and wonders wrought:
And so did all of Rome beside,
vntill they grew to their full pride;
And were of late vnhorst agayne.
by Christian Kings that them disdayne.
The true Church was eclipsed then,
and had in scorne of carnall men:
The Prophecies fulfilled were,
of Daniel, who prayd in feare:
And those in Reuelation,
which God did giue vnto S. Iohn:
A thousand yeeres this held out so,
that Christs true flock you could not know,
But by their persecution sharpe,
which they endur'd with willing heart.
and had in scorne of carnall men:
The Prophecies fulfilled were,
of Daniel, who prayd in feare:
And those in Reuelation,
which God did giue vnto S. Iohn:
A thousand yeeres this held out so,
that Christs true flock you could not know,
But by their persecution sharpe,
which they endur'd with willing heart.
Yet still Christ and his Gospell stood,
in persecution and in blood.
The Popes left off to preach and teach,
and after worldly things to reach.
In time they grew so fierce and fell,
that no good man with them could dwell,
They put down Kings and Princes hie,
abusing them to slauery;
And what they said or did, was lawe:
thus euery one was kept in awe.
in persecution and in blood.
The Popes left off to preach and teach,
and after worldly things to reach.
In time they grew so fierce and fell,
that no good man with them could dwell,
They put down Kings and Princes hie,
abusing them to slauery;
And what they said or did, was lawe:
thus euery one was kept in awe.
In all your Popes, true faith did faile,
and hell it selfe did much preuaile:
The salt his sauor lost in them:
Christ was in trueth reiected then:
Yea, all his death and glorious passion,
was turn'd into another fashion:
Each Pope a new toy did deuise,
to blind and bleare the peoples eyes:
Fooles, Apes, and Asses still they made,
of Gods poore people, by this trade.
and hell it selfe did much preuaile:
The salt his sauor lost in them:
Christ was in trueth reiected then:
was turn'd into another fashion:
Each Pope a new toy did deuise,
to blind and bleare the peoples eyes:
Fooles, Apes, and Asses still they made,
of Gods poore people, by this trade.
The second question that you make,
I answere will for each mans sake,
That cannot answere readily,
your Arguments and Sophistry.
Where was our Church, you say, that time?
where did the beauty of it shine?
Where did our chiefest Pastour sit?
who kept our keyes? who rulde our ship?
You bid vs shew you Churches built,
as you can shew those we haue spilt.
I answere will for each mans sake,
That cannot answere readily,
your Arguments and Sophistry.
Where was our Church, you say, that time?
where did the beauty of it shine?
Where did our chiefest Pastour sit?
who kept our keyes? who rulde our ship?
You bid vs shew you Churches built,
as you can shew those we haue spilt.
To these in order as they lye,
I will in few words now reply:
Where is the Sun, the Moone the Stars,
when clouds & darknes make them wars?
Doe they not shine still where they be,
vnder those clowdes? Euen so did we.
Our chiefest Pastor he is Christ,
and he sits in the heauens highest:
He hath the keyes and guides our ship,
and laughs to scorne our little wit.
I will in few words now reply:
Where is the Sun, the Moone the Stars,
when clouds & darknes make them wars?
Doe they not shine still where they be,
vnder those clowdes? Euen so did we.
Our chiefest Pastor he is Christ,
and he sits in the heauens highest:
and laughs to scorne our little wit.
For Churches, first we answere you,
by Churches of another hiewe.
How many Churches hath Christ built,
and you the blood of them haue spilt?
Of other Churches that you speake,
God in his iudgement doth them breake,
Euen as he did Hierusalem,
for killing of his Prophets then:
And as he did the hill Alters,
and Groues of all Idolaters.
by Churches of another hiewe.
How many Churches hath Christ built,
and you the blood of them haue spilt?
Of other Churches that you speake,
God in his iudgement doth them breake,
Euen as he did Hierusalem,
for killing of his Prophets then:
And as he did the hill Alters,
and Groues of all Idolaters.
You aske what are become alway,
of all that dyed to this day?
We are no Iudges in this case,
we leaue them to the Throne of grace.
Idolaters may aske you so,
of those that haue dyed long agoe.
What answere can you make therein,
but this, that God, for all their sinne,
May iustly damne them, if he will,
or saue, where he likes not to kill?
of all that dyed to this day?
We are no Iudges in this case,
we leaue them to the Throne of grace.
Idolaters may aske you so,
of those that haue dyed long agoe.
What answere can you make therein,
but this, that God, for all their sinne,
May iustly damne them, if he will,
or saue, where he likes not to kill?
When Abram was with Cera he,
his father deare, as children be,
And God cald Abraham away,
what, should he not Gods call obay?
Or should he answere as you doe,
As my friends did, I will doe too?
But you will say you be none such,
when yet you vse like things too much:
Try by the Scriptures well, and see,
who comes neer'st Idoles, you or we.
his father deare, as children be,
And God cald Abraham away,
what, should he not Gods call obay?
Or should he answere as you doe,
As my friends did, I will doe too?
But you will say you be none such,
when yet you vse like things too much:
Try by the Scriptures well, and see,
who comes neer'st Idoles, you or we.
You aske how you might find vs out,
to answere things that were in doubt?
I say, that euen as wolues by kinde,
the sheepe and lambes in field can finde;
So you did find vs to our cost,
or else how were our liues so lost?
First, in the persecutions ten,
and in the rest succeeding them,
In England, Scotland, & in Fraunce,
and euery place you taught that daunce.
to answere things that were in doubt?
I say, that euen as wolues by kinde,
the sheepe and lambes in field can finde;
So you did find vs to our cost,
or else how were our liues so lost?
First, in the persecutions ten,
and in the rest succeeding them,
In England, Scotland, & in Fraunce,
and euery place you taught that daunce.
But when the day of count shall come,
that you shall answere all and some,
When Christ the Master of the sheepe,
shall reckon vs, as it is meet:
Then from the blood of Abels time,
vnto the last of such like crime,
You and the rest shall answere all,
vnto your sorrow, griefe and thrall:
Unlesse you doe repent with speed,
your count will fearefull be indeed.
that you shall answere all and some,
When Christ the Master of the sheepe,
shall reckon vs, as it is meet:
vnto the last of such like crime,
You and the rest shall answere all,
vnto your sorrow, griefe and thrall:
Unlesse you doe repent with speed,
your count will fearefull be indeed.
Till Luthers time, you say that we
heard not of Christ: but you shall see,
That we, not you, haue heard of him,
as onely pardoner of our sinne.
Thrise happy Luther and the rest,
(except some faults which we detest)
And ten times happy euery land,
that hath receiued with strong hand,
The Gospell pure of Christ on hie,
and haue put downe all Popery.
heard not of Christ: but you shall see,
That we, not you, haue heard of him,
as onely pardoner of our sinne.
Thrise happy Luther and the rest,
(except some faults which we detest)
And ten times happy euery land,
that hath receiued with strong hand,
The Gospell pure of Christ on hie,
and haue put downe all Popery.
You aske, who kept all Scripture then?
who made our Priests, & all Church-men?
We answere, that our God, of loue,
did saue and keepe it from aboue,
As in the time of Ieremy,
when it was burnt by Iehudy.
And as the Arke deliuered was,
from Philistims, as came to passe.
And finally, as God can make
all creatures serue his Church and quake.
who made our Priests, & all Church-men?
We answere, that our God, of loue,
did saue and keepe it from aboue,
As in the time of Ieremy,
when it was burnt by Iehudy.
And as the Arke deliuered was,
from Philistims, as came to passe.
all creatures serue his Church and quake.
Now for our Churchmens ordination,
we know the Scriptures good relation:
And so were made our Bishops all,
our Ministers both great and small.
Salomon made Sadock he,
Priest in Abiathars roome to be:
So in the stead of Popish priests,
our Queene sent Ministers for Christ:
And though a time some were but weake,
yet now a number can well speake.
we know the Scriptures good relation:
And so were made our Bishops all,
our Ministers both great and small.
Salomon made Sadock he,
Priest in Abiathars roome to be:
So in the stead of Popish priests,
our Queene sent Ministers for Christ:
And though a time some were but weake,
yet now a number can well speake.
And where you say, you maruell, how
we did receyue such, as did vow
Themselues your Priests of Popish order,
to serue with vs in any border?
My answere is, that you might see,
what men of mercy Protestants be,
Which would receiue all to saluation,
and not condemne them in your fashion.
You did deuise, you know, to keepe
all men from feeding of our sheepe.
we did receyue such, as did vow
Themselues your Priests of Popish order,
to serue with vs in any border?
My answere is, that you might see,
what men of mercy Protestants be,
Which would receiue all to saluation,
and not condemne them in your fashion.
You did deuise, you know, to keepe
all men from feeding of our sheepe.
An ordination may be good,
though some men, guilty of soules blood,
Unworthy be in Church to serue,
for punishment that they deserue.
Some thing tooke ill inhand also,
at first, may yet in time, we know,
Proue good againe, and so may this:
the Church-mens calling is for blisse.
If yours not so, or be not right,
amend your fault, beare vs no spight.
though some men, guilty of soules blood,
Unworthy be in Church to serue,
for punishment that they deserue.
Some thing tooke ill inhand also,
at first, may yet in time, we know,
Proue good againe, and so may this:
the Church-mens calling is for blisse.
If yours not so, or be not right,
amend your fault, beare vs no spight.
And to conclude, you bragge, and say,
that Austin first did here bewray
The trueth of Christ: but it's not so,
true histories doe name vs moe:
But graunt, that hee first taught this land:
were all things good came from his hand?
No, no, he taught much Popery,
but not so much as now doth fly:
Simon Zelotes and Saint Paul,
are said to teach vs first of all.
that Austin first did here bewray
The trueth of Christ: but it's not so,
true histories doe name vs moe:
But graunt, that hee first taught this land:
were all things good came from his hand?
No, no, he taught much Popery,
but not so much as now doth fly:
Simon Zelotes and Saint Paul,
are said to teach vs first of all.
Till you these things doe well disproue,
I wish all men in tender loue,
To note what I haue sayd herein,
to turne to God, and leaue their sinne.
To trust no Popish Iesuite,
nor yet in Masse-priests to delight:
For certainely their Hierarchy,
their kingdome and their policy,
Shall, will, and must, of force fall downe:
for Christ abhorres the triple Crowne.
I wish all men in tender loue,
To note what I haue sayd herein,
to turne to God, and leaue their sinne.
nor yet in Masse-priests to delight:
For certainely their Hierarchy,
their kingdome and their policy,
Shall, will, and must, of force fall downe:
for Christ abhorres the triple Crowne.
This Christ in mercy therefore saue
our Queene and vs, with that we haue,
Our children and posterity,
and keepe vs from all Popery:
His holy Gospell graunt vs still,
and frame vs to his holy will:
That we may know and loue the same,
vnto the glory of his name.
Pray, heare, and read continually,
that from this truth we neuer flye.
our Queene and vs, with that we haue,
Our children and posterity,
and keepe vs from all Popery:
His holy Gospell graunt vs still,
and frame vs to his holy will:
That we may know and loue the same,
vnto the glory of his name.
Pray, heare, and read continually,
that from this truth we neuer flye.
An Ansvvere to a Romish Rime lately printed, and entituled, A proper new Ballad | ||