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The life of Cardinal Wolsey

By George Cavendish, his gentleman usher. And metrical visions, from the original autograph manuscript. With notes and other illustrations, by Samuel Weller Singer

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Victoryously didest rayn
The viiith Herrye,
Worthy most soverayn,
Tenth worthy, worthy.
A Jupiter of providence,
A strengthe of Herculus,
A Mars of excellence,
A paynfull Janus.
A Cesar of clemencye,
A corage of Hector,
A Solomon in sapience,
An armez of Arthore.
A Cicero in eloquence,
A hardy Aniball,
A David in prudence,
An Alexander liberall.
A Plato in peace,
Of beawtie an Absolon,
An Achilles in presse,
In governance Agamemnon.
A force of Sampson,
A Charlemayn in myght,
A Godfroy of Bulloyn,
A Rowland in fyght.
An Holy Phocion,
A continent Fabricyus,
An intier Caton,
A pieussaunt Pompeyous.


A Marcus Marcellus,
A Scipio Affrican,
A Ceasar Julius,
An other Octavyan.
This beawtie of Britayne
Reyned prosperously.
Of progeny Grecean,
Dissendyd lynyally.
Whos honor to magnifie
The mighty power dyvyn
Hath chosyn hyme for thyn eie
Above the sterres to shyne.