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Greenes Funeralls

By R. B. [i.e. Richard Barnfield]

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Sonnet, VI.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

[Of Tel-tales tell my muse]

Of Tel-tales tell my muse,
of such as loue to lie:
Of such as vse, for to abuse,
their friends and no cause why.
Of such and none but such,
My pen shall write his pleasure:
And them at large I meane to tuch,
When I haue time and leasure.
My rime is rude, what then?
Yet will it serue the turne:
To notefie such wicked men,
As doe deserue to burne.
As doe deserue to burne said I?
Nay worse: that ought to feele,
The raging force and crueltie:
Of old Ixions wheele.
But least I should this mourning Muse retaine:
Ile fall into an other kinde of vaine.