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The Castell of Pleasure

by William Nevill: The text of the first issue of the poem with variant readings from the reprint of 1518; Together with introduction, notes and glossary by Roberta D. Cornelius

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For a profe he toke forth of his arowy quyver
A golden darte with loue ryght penytrable
Made sharpe at the poynt that it myght enter
With it he stroke phebus with a stroke ryght lamentable
It to resyste he was weyke and unable
The stroke of his power who can or may resyste
But he must obey / and to loue be agreable
Constreyned by cupyde whiche may stryke whome he lyst
Another darte he toke soone in his fyste
Contrary to thoder ledyn blont and heuy
With this he stroke Phebus loue or she wyste
So that the more he desyred the more she dyd deny