University of Virginia Library

[Hast thou ever heard the voice of nature]

Hast thou ever heard the voice of nature,
In the whirlwind's roar, the zephyr's gentle
Breath, in the fierce eagle's cry, when darting
Forth he seeks the spoiler of his nest,
In the soft whispering voice of love with
Which the dove salutes his mate? or hast thou
Seen nature put forth her force in various
Forms, the lightning rend the solid oak,
The lofty cedars bend like reeds before
The blast, the madden'd ocean lash the shore
With foam, or hast thou seen the rising sun,
When first he looks forth on a summer's day,
Or, when his beams fall fiercer down, the cattle
Seek the cool refreshing shade, slaking their
Thirst in some hoarse-murmuring brook?
Hast thou e'er seen such sights or heard such sounds,
And never thought of Him, who rides upon
The whirlwind, who in the gentle zephyr breathes,
Who to the dove, the eagle gave their notes
Of rage or love, who from his awful hand
The lightning hurls, the lofty cedars bend,
And with his nostrils heapeth up the waves,
Who made the brook to run to quench the thirst
The cattle feel in summer's sultry reign?
If on thine ear or sight all these have fell
Unheeded, and thou hast liv'd unmindful
Of a God, who gave thee sight to see and
Ear to hear, and for these thy senses formed,
Harmonious sounds, and ever varying
Beauties; learn oft as upon thy sight or
Ear they fall to think of him who made them.
Poem No. 158; 7 April 1834