University of Virginia Library




The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


I come from Alabama with my Banjo on my knee—
I'se gwine to Lou'siana My true lub for to see.
It rain'd all night de day I left, De wedder it was dry;
The sun so hot I froze def—Susanna, dont you cry.


Oh! Susanna, do not cry for me;
I come from Alabama, Wid my Banjo on my knee.


I jump'd aboard the telegraph and trabbled down de ribber,
De lectrick fluid magnified, and kill'd five hundred Nigga.
De bulgine bust and de hoss ran off, I really thought I'd die;
I shut my eyes to hold my bref—Susanna dont you cry.


I had a dream de udder night, when ebry ting was still;
I thought I saw Susanna dear, a coming down de hill,
De buckweat cake was in her mouf, de tear was in her eye,
I says, I'se coming from de souf,—Susanna dont you cry.
Oh! Susanna &c.