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My wild world-builders of the West!
What sinewy warp, what wire-like woof!
What brawn breasts, builded arrow-proof!
What generous and open breast—
Or brigand thee or pirate thou,
I knew not then, I care not now.
Whence came they? Pirate? Rover? Priest?
These people who did dare dispute
Possession with the hairy brute?
From out that West, that was the East?
From sulky North or sultry South?
Or spewed from some sick city's mouth?
Go ask the wind-born grasshopper;
Nay, ask the four winds if they know


From where they come or whither go,
Or why at all they rise or stir.
The world is round. Tides rise and fall.
Sail on. All seas are free to all.
The world is round. All things repeat.
Another Jason seeks the fleece.
Another Seacrops founds a Greece.
The twins, the shaggy she-wolf's teat,
The Palentine, her heroes bold,
In time shall be new tales new told.