University of Virginia Library

Oh! when the word is spoken
That Time shall be no more—
When the last wave hath broken
On thine eternal shore—
When, fleeting as a vapor,
The heavens shall pass away,
And like a dying taper
The worn-out sun decay—
When the moon shall fade in her place on high,
And all the Starry Host
Like sparks shall fly through a stormy sky—
And the Earth give up the ghost!


Amid that Universal Death
Shalt thou, poor soul, survive?
When worlds have yielded up their breath,
Canst thou remain alive?
Thou canst—thou shalt—though stars are dim—
Though suns have quenched their fire—
The immortal flame once lit by Him
Shall never more expire.
And these dark waters, tempest tost,
Shall yield their treasures then,
And all which thou hast loved and lost
Shall be restored again.