University of Virginia Library


Sophia's Parlour.
Now comes the time to prove my resolution;
I'm wrapp'd in am'rous doubt, mix'd with a sweet
Perplexity! Love's fierce desires inform
My glowing soul! the wish'd for malady
With ardent tremor rolls thro' ev'ry vital part!
The sages surely have mistook,
And Heav'n ordain'd that darling sex, to rule
Superior here below: How facile to
Subdue they find our mighty boasted reason!
In ev'ry glance a soft inchantment's couch'd!
And their pretty prattling tongues are hung with
An harmonious magic!—
How potent when array'd with each killing charm,
Is all conq'ring woman!—
The downy fetters which she throws around


The heart, when first laid on scarce felt; soon prove
More hard to break than links of stubborn steel,
Be firm my heart; and let me not be drawn
Like Anthony, by fond desires, to quit
Bright honour's chace; but let me run resolv'd
The race of glory.—
Now two great passions struggle for command;
'Twixt love, and glory, I suspended stand:
Born down by beauty's blaze, my soul gives way,
Like mollient wax, in sol's refulgent ray;
At glory's call, again abdur'd I grow,
And Cupid flees before the martial glow;
Yet when return'd, I shall my charmer meet,
And lay new laurels gain'd at Sophia's feet;
Bright Sophia then shall here unrivall'd reign,
And with one smile, shall overpay my pain.
