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The interior of Giacomo's house. Giacomo and Lorenzo discovered together. Time, a little before daybreak.
Art sure of this?

Ay, signor, very sure.
'T is but a moment since I saw the thing;
Bernardo, who last night was sworn thy son,
Hath made a villanous barter of thine honour:—
Thou mayest rely the Duke is where I said.


If so—no matter—give me here the light.

[Exit Giacomo.
Oh, what a night! It must be all a dream!
For twenty years, since that I wore a beard,
I've served my melancholy master here,
And never until now saw such a night!
A wedding in this silent house, forsooth,—
A festival! The very walls in mute
Amazement stared through the unnatural light;
And poor Rosalia, bless her tender heart,
Looked like her mother's sainted ghost! Ah me,
Her mother died long years ago, and took
One half the blessed sunshine from our house—
The other half was married off last night.
My master, solemn soul, he walked the halls
As if in search of something which was lost;
The groom, I liked not him, nor ever did,
Spake such perpetual sweetness, till I thought
He wore some sugared villany within:—
But then he is my master's ancient friend,
And always known the favourite of the Duke,
And, as I know, our lady's treacherous lord!
Oh, Holy Mother, that to villain hawks
Our dove should fall a prey! poor gentle dear!


Now if I had their necks within my grasp,
These fingers should be adders at their throats!
No matter—if my master be himself,
Nor time, nor place, shall bind up his revenge.
He 's not a man to spend his wrath in noise,
But when his mind is made, with even pace
He walks up to the deed and does his will.
In fancy I can see him to the end—
The Duke, perchance, already breathes his last,
And for Bernardo—he will join him soon;
And for Rosalia, she will take the veil,
To which she hath been heretofore inclined;
And for my master, he will take again
To alchemy—a pastime well enough,
For aught I know, and honest Christian work.
Still it was strange how my poor mistress died,
Found, as she was, within her husband's study.
The rumour went she died of suffocation;
Some cursed crucible which had been left,
By Giacomo, aburning, filled the room,
And when the lady entered took her breath.
He found her there, and from that day the place
Has been a home for darkness and for dust.
I hear him coming; by his hurried step
There 's something done, or will be very soon.


Enter Giacomo. (He sets the light upon the table, and confronts Lorenzo with a stern look.)
Lorenzo, thou hast served me twenty years,
And faithfully; now answer me, how was 't
That thou wert in the street at such an hour?

When that the festival was o'er last night,
I went to join some comrades in their wine
To pass the time in memory of the event.

And doubtless thou wert blinded soon with drink?

Indeed, good signor, though the wine flowed free
I could not touch it, though much urged by all—
Too great a sadness sat upon my heart—
I could do nought but sit and sigh and think
Of our Rosalia in her bridal dress.

And sober too! so much the more at fault.
But, as I said, thou 'st served me long and well,
Perchance too long—too long by just a day.
Here, take this purse, and find another master.


Oh, signor, do not drive me thus away!
If I have made mistake—

No, sirrah, no!
Thou hast not made mistake, but something worse.

Oh, pray you, what is that then I have made?

A lie!

Indeed, good master, on my knees
I swear that what I said is sainted truth.

Pshaw, pshaw, no more of this. Did I not go
Upon the instant to my daughter's room
And find Bernardo sleeping at her side?
Some villain's gold hath bribed thee unto this.
Go, go.

Well, if it must be, then it must.
But I would swear that what I said is truth,
Though all the devils from the deepest pit
Should rise to contradict me!


Prating still?

No, signor—I am going—stay—see here—
(He draws a paper from his bosom.)
Oh, blessed Virgin, grant some proof in this!
This paper, as they changed their mantles, dropped
Between them to the ground, and when they passed
I picked it up and placed it safely here.

(Examining it.)
Who forged the lie could fabricate this too:—
Get to thy duties, sir, and mark me well,
Let no word pass thy lips about the matter—
[Exit Lorenzo.
Bernardo's very hand indeed is here!
Oh, compact villanous and black! Conditions,
The means, the hour, the signal—everything
To rob my honour of its holiest pearl!
Lorenzo, shallow fool—he does not guess
The mischief was all done, and that it was
The Duke he saw departing—oh, brain—brain!
How shall I hold this river of my wrath!
It must not burst—no, rather it shall sweep
A noiseless maelstrom, whirling to its centre


All thoughts and plans to further my revenge
And rid me of this most accursed blot!
(He rests his forehead on his hand a few minutes, and exclaims,)
The past returns to me again—the lore
I gladly had forgot, comes like a ghost,
And points with shadowy finger to the means
Which best shall consummate my just design.
The laboratory hath been closed too long;
The door smiles welcome to me once again,
The dusky latch invites my hand—I come!
(He unlocks the door and stands upon the threshold.)
Oh, thou whose life was stolen from me here,
Stand not to thwart me in this great revenge;
But rather come with large propitious eyes
Smiling encouragement with by-gone looks!
Ye sages whose pale, melancholy orbs
Gaze through the darkness of a thousand years,
Oh, pierce the solid blackness of to-day,
And fire anew this crucible of thought
Until my soul flames up to the result!

(He enters and the door closes.)