University of Virginia Library

Reversed Support

Several members had reversed their
support of the amendment to opposition
toward it because they were enraged at
what they considered an "irresponsible
threat" from Mrs. Sugarman. She
appeared before the Jefferson Society
Friday night to assure them that this was
not the case, and that she was not some
"Women's Lib fanatic."

After the amendment was passed Mrs.
Sugarman revealed that, "she was very
pleased that the Jefferson Society voted
to accept women." She added, "this will
show the women of the University that
they can be first-class citizens."

All applicants approved for
probationary membership must present a
speech passed by four-fifths vote, work at
the cocktail party, and serve refreshments
at the regular meetings for the period of
one semester. To become a member then
requires a four-fifths vote.