University of Virginia Library

Other Areas Considered

Other areas under consideration for
improved lighting are Newcomb Road
immediately west of Newcomb Hall, the
walks between the east side of the
Monroe Hill Houses and the stone wall
behind Monroe Hill, Newcomb Road west
of the Monroe Hill Houses, walks and
paths from Campbell Hall to Rugby
Road, and the main walk just south of
Pavilion 10 to the cross walk along the
heating tunnel.

The Subcommittee on Sidewalks,
chaired by Mr. Main, was directed to
become familiar with existing sidewalks
on the University proper, and to note
where additions or extensions were
necessary. Their purpose is to investigate
the problem areas and establish priorities
in appealing for funds.

The ensuing report included four areas
as potentially dangerous due to lack of
paved walkways. The walk along Emmet
Street from the New Education Building
to Ivy Road is under primary
consideration as needing a paved

A survey revealed that girls in the
Munford-Gwathmey complex used this
route to attend classes in Gilmer Hall and
the Chemistry Building. First-yearmen
also utilize Emmit Street to reach
Memorial Gym.