University of Virginia Library

Need Money

Mr. Collier went on to say, "I agree with
Marshall Hahn and President Shannon; Virginia's
colleges need more money. We are
overcrowding and overburdening existing
facilities, especially the University of Virginia."

"In spite of these impressive gains" (of the
1960's) President Shannon told the group of
alumni, "Virginia is only beginning to catch up
with the rest of the nation. In 1971 the state
still had only 41.5 per cent of its young people
in college, compared to the national percentage
of 60.5 per cent."

"The Carnegie Commission," he said,
"recently reported that Virginia remains one of
a handful of states providing fewer than 30
places for every 100 young persons of college
age in either public or private institutions."

President Shannon noted the state funds for
operating state colleges and universities has
increased from $56 million during the 1960-62
biennium to $257.7 million. Pressure on the
state legislature is needed at this time the
presidents implied because rumblings from the
governors mansion and members of the
legislature indicate school budget cuts might be
in order.