University of Virginia Library

Bachelor's Level

At the bachelor's level, the final
averages for male candidates in
non-technical curricula, other than
accounting, were slightly under
those at the close of last year, with
general business at $716 compared
to $721 for 1969-70. Accounting,
which had been attracting sizable
increases in recent years, went up
only 1% to $856 in 1970-71. The
dollar averages for engineering
curricula ranged from 1% to 2%
higher than last year. Chemical
engineering continued to attract the
highest bachelor's dollar average,
$920 a month, while the dollar
average for engineering curricula
generally was $879.

In the science areas dollar value
of offers dropped along with
volume. At the end of the season,
the average were: chemistry $795,
mathematics $787, and physics