University of Virginia Library

Students Affected

Students of the University are immediately
affected by the ruling issued by D. Alan
Williams, Vice President for Student Affairs,
and it is expected that Eugene Corrigan,
Director of Athletics, will extend the ruling to
cover all patrons of University athletic events
beginning today.

The exact wording of the ruling will be
issued today, and it is generally believed that
"Virginia" pennants will still be allowed, along
with those displaying the name of the visiting
school. Enforcement of the ban will be left to
ushers at the gates.

Also in reference to this incident, Robert
Canevari, Dean of Students, responded to many
queries as to why uniformed Charlottesville
City Police are in attendance at football games.
He stated that several policemen are assigned to
direct traffic before and after the game at
several intersections off the grounds, and are
generally invited in to view the game when
traffic is slack.