University of Virginia Library

Commercial Complex

The present law, however, empowers the
planning department to regulate developments
such as the commercial complex which was
proposed last year to be built across Jefferson
Park Avenue behind Cabell Hall.

The planning department will use a guideline
for high-rise structures which sets a relationship
between the number of floors and the amount
of open space around the building, according to
Roger York, a spokesman for the department.

The developer may build a higher structure
on the site only if he leaves open a greater
surrounding land area, not including parking

The ordinance provides that a site plan
submitted to the planning department include
the locations of all trees more than eight inches
across on the property at the time of planning.

The planning department hopes to ensure
that builders attempt to preserve the natural
environment of the site, according to Mr. York.
He said that the department will not prohibit
cutting of trees, but that if their locations are
mapped, there will be less chance of needless
and wasteful cutting.