University of Virginia Library

Arson Charges

Mr. Camblos also cited the Jones case about the black
citizen "who was supposed to have been charged unfairly
with disorderly conduct. No mention was made of the
fact that at the Police Station his conduct was such that
his grandmother struck him and told him to behave. He
has since been charged with arson in Augusta County and
with grand larceny in Charlottesville."

Mr. Camblos pointed to these cases, claiming that
"apparently efforts to arouse the students over such
things have fallen flat on their face this fall.

"I cannot help but believe that this is because the
students generally are no longer willing to accept without
question everything the rabble rousers would have them
believe, and because the thinking ones among the students
realize the possible seriousness and irreparable damage to
their futures which might flow from the kind of
lawlessness which we had at the University last Spring."