University of Virginia Library

No New Election

Mr. Mannix said that he did not think the
allegations would be grounds for a new
election. He said that disciplinary actions such
as a fine and admonishment would possibly be

Mr. Stephens could not be reached for

Quinn Spitzer, President of the Jefferson
Party, said that this was a "bureaucratic
mistake by one party worker." He said that the
letters "would have been distributed anyway,"
and that the letters "would have no effect on
the election."

"This is an excellent opportunity for Kevin
Mannix and Jeff Kirsch to create an issue," Mr.
Spitzer added.

He said that the distribution of "slam
sheets" by the VPP was a "bigger issue." Mr.
Spitzer was apparently referring to the sheets
distributed by the VPP on Tuesday night. Jeff
Kirsch said that no candidates were named in
the sheets and that there were no libelous
remarks made. He said that the sheet contained
merely an attack on the JP platform for this


Kevin Mannix

Charges Campaign Violations