University of Virginia Library

Israeli Ambassador

Mr. Cochrane explained that the two men
who "looked just like ordinary businessmen"
proceeded to take up passports in an effort to
locate an Israeli ambassador headed for
Washington. "A little Jewish man was sitting
across the aisle shaking like a leaf, almost in
tears and sure enough they dragged him to the
first-class compartment which they had cleared
for their own use.

Some of the passengers made crank
comments and threats directed at the guerrillas.
With this, all military personnel were directed
to the forward cabin where one of the two men
stated, 'We are already dead and we know it.
Sometime before this is all over I will die. Any
more resistance from the passengers and we
won't hesitate to kill all of you. We'll blow this
plane up in mid-air if that's what it takes to
keep you quiet. Why should we care what
happens to you?' "