University of Virginia Library

Black Vote

The Roanoke Republican was confident his
candidacy would attract a sizable black vote.
"Blacks are hungry to see Harry Byrd kicked
out, and they lack the confidence that Mr.
Rawlings is a serious candidate." He thus
predicted he would draw 25,000 black votes.

Turning to the issues, Mr. Garland felt it is a
question of a more contemporary outlook.
"We're running against a man on the left and a
man on the right. These men represent defunct
political philosophies that have already been
repudiated by the people of Virginia."

Mr. Garland spent much of his time
attacking the policies of Mr. Byrd, running as
an independent. "This man has paid lip service
to the concept of states' rights while making no
corresponding effort to ensure that Virginia
fulfilled her own responsibilities to her

"While Virginia languished in the bottom
ten per cent of practically every index that
measured the performance of the states," said
Mr. Garland, "Mr. Byrd sponsored legislation to
rebate state revenues."