University of Virginia Library

Radical Reform

Radical reform of Student Council is
called for by the report. While terming
Council "a relatively useless organization"
the report also states that it appears
"to wield excessive power." Advocating
"basic reform of the Council," several
proposals are offered for consideration.
The proposals reflect a unique and
unusual conception of representative

One proposal suggests making "councilmen
and Council represent only
those who vote for them . . .thus the
number of councilmen or votes would
fluctuate from time to time as the
Council became more or less representative."
Another plan proposes abolition of
"so-called student government and establish
Student Federations which serve and
represent those students who voluntarily
join them."


John Kwapisz, YAF Chairman

"Multi-level parking facilities" are
proposed, to "be financed by differential
parking fees and users." The report
does not indicate whether such facilities
are to supplement of supplant those
provided for in the Master Plan. Moreover,
the YAF parking expert has not
checked into the costs of a multi-level
garage, and indicated that there is more
idealism than realism in the financing