University of Virginia Library

Only Legal Voice

This comment followed one by Tom
Gardner, representative from the College, that
"last year, we were told that the Student
Council was the only legal voice of student
opinion. Now it seems we're being told that the
Honor Committee is that voice. The point is
that the students through their representatives
should be talking to the Board."

Mr. Cass' motion was then passed by a
majority vote of Council.

Mr. Cass then moved that due to "the Board
of Visitors' indications that there is a need for
some visible demonstration of student feeling
prior to the Board's action on certain matters
of student concern," that the Student Council
should personally deliver to the Board a list of
matters that have been subject to much student
thought and discussion.

The motion also called for a show of
'student feelings' today and tomorrow at the
Board meetings, in support of student representation
at the meeting and for improved efforts
to provide "equal educational opportunities."

During the discussion on Mr. Cass' motion,
Ron Hickman of the Architecture School,
entered the meeting and reported that Mr.
Hereford had just informed him that if the
Student Council presently requested that Mr.
Ogle and Mr. Hurdle, Vice-President of Council,
be invited to today's Board meeting, that an
invitation would be forthcoming.

A motion was then made to request such an
invitation and was passed by majority vote. Mr.
Ogle noted that this action by the Council
killed the previous motion to ask the other
students invited to the Board meeting to refuse
to attend the meeting unless Council delegates
were invited.