University of Virginia Library

'Sufficiently Concerned'

"The students and faculty are sufficiently
concerned that we will observe the moratorium
whether a class suspension is decreed by the
President or not," he explained.

Mr. Israel disagreed with the President's
claim that if the University took a stand on the
moratorium issue, it would be violating its
political neutrality.

Mr. Israel said that the University had
already "surrendered its neutrality by sponsoring
a ROTC program. The University has as
much right to prepare for freedom as for war,"
he said.

Councilman Charles Murdock felt that the
President's move was "for the better." He
explained that "the goal was not to convince
Mr. Shannon to support the moratorium; the
goal is convince all the students and the
University community to work with the rest of
the community to support it."