University of Virginia Library

Advisory Function

The committee's function is
purely advisory to the Dean of the
Faculty who then makes his recommendation
to the Provo. If
the recommendation of the committee
and the Dean differ, that of
the committee is also forwarded.
The Provost in turn then makes his
recommendation to the President
who then decides.

The other two ways to promotion
are originated by the
recommendation of the chairman
of the department alone or of any
member of the faculty in any
department. The case then follows
through the same steps.

Mr. Bowers said that the Provost
makes the final recommendation
since only he knows how many
ranks in the table of organization
are open. The University as a whole
has a set number of ranks in that

According to Mr. Bowers, the
reason for the complicated procedure
is that the administration
feels that the faculty committee
should consider the merits of a case
only. Whether there is a position is
an administrative decision. A
second reason is that the departments
and the committee may be
"overly generous or premature."