University of Virginia Library

Negro Faculty Members

4. To hire "a representative
number of black faculty members.
The absence of black instructors
. . . is obvious to all
and a further source of discontent.
. ."

5. To "take positive action to
obtain non-discriminatory pledges
from landlords whose premises
are advertised on the Off-Grounds
Housing List."

6. To "exert pressure on the
University Union to obtain nondiscriminatory
pledges from the
patrons of the Date Housing List.
Several black students have been
greatly inconvenienced by the refusal
of patrons on this list to
accommodate black women."

7. To "adopt a realistic attitude
toward the recruitment of
black athletes. The University
should not only attempt procurement
of the 'super-athlete,' but
also those that exhibit talents
commensurate with those of
present athletes at the University."