University of Virginia Library


The President proposed and the Board adopted the following resolution

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia that
the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty

Mr. Albert Altman as Acting Assistant Professor of Physics, for the period 1 April 1962 to 30
June 1962, effective 1 April 1962, at a salary of $7,200.

Mr. Vincent M. Bevilacqua as Assistant Professor of Speech, for three years, effective 1
September 1962

Mr. Clinton R. Edwards as Assistant Professor of Geography, for three years, effective 1
September 1962, at a salary of $7,500

Mr. Ernest H. Ern as Assistant Professor of Geology, for three years, effective 1 September
1962, at a salary of $7,200

Mr. Peter Faller as Lecturer in Architecture, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a
salary of $6,600

Mr. Junius R. Fishburne as Lecturer in Law, for one semester, effective 1 February 1962, at a
salary of $750

Mr. Laurence W. Fredrick as Associate Professor of Astronomy, effective 1 February 1963, at a
salary of $10,600

Mr. Benjamin B. Graves as Associate Professor of Commerce, for three years, effective 1
September 1962, at a salary of $9,100, of which $8,600 will be paid by the State and $500 from
departmental funds


Mr. Howard L. Hamilton as Visiting Professor of Biology, for the period 1 February 1962 to 30
June 1963, at no salary from the State.

Mr. Peter L. Heath as Professor of Philosophy, effective 1 September 1962.

Mr. Robert S. Johnson as Lecturer in Economics, for one year, effective 1 September 1962, at a
salary of $7,200, of which $5,600 will be paid by the State and $1,600 from departmental grants

Mr. Edward A. Kolodziej as Assistant Professor of Political Science, for three years, effective
1 September 1962

Mr. Donald C. Larson as Assistant Professor of Physics, for the period 1 March 1962 to 30 June
1964, at a salary of $7,200.

Mr. J. Ramsey Martin, Jr. as Instructor in English, for one year, effective 1 August 1962, at a
salary of $6,900, plus 20 per cent for summer duties

Mr. Donald H. Miller as Assistant Professor of City Planning in the School of Architecture, for
three years, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $7,200.

Miss Jo A. Prichard as Instructor in Nursing, for one year, effective 1 June 1962, at a salary
of $5,720

Mr. John A. Purinton, Jr. as Lecturer in Business Administration, for the period 7 March 1962
to 30 June 1962, at a salary of $1,950

Dr. Robert F. Selden, Jr. as Instructor in Pediatrics, for one year, effective 1 July 1962, at
a salary of $7,000, of which $4,000 will be paid by the State and $3,000 from departmental earnings

Mr. Burette S. Tillinghast, Jr. as Assistant Professor of Education, for three years, effective
1 September 1962.

Mr. Daryle L. Waldron as Assistant Professor of Speech Correction and Audiology, for three
years, effective 1 September 1962, at a salary of $8,500