University of Virginia Library


The President recalled to the Board that in the settlement of the Estate of Dr. W. M. Seward, the
University obtained title to certain vacant lots in the City of Petersburg, among others, 30 lots in the
subdivision known as "Hillcrest"; that in 1935, E. I. Carruthers, and W. Allan Perkins went to Petersburg,
inspected these properties, and after careful examination of local conditions made a report that these
lots, in their opinion, were worth at least $50.00 apiece.

An offer has recently been received for two of these lots at the price of $150.00 cash for the
two, the lots in question being Lots Nos. 9 and 10 in Block D, as shown upon a plat of the property, dated
January 27, 1916, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court for the City of Petersburg, in
D. B. 86, p. 566. A considerable amount of correspondence with reference to this sale has passed between
the Attorney for the University and Mr. M. H. Guthrie, the real estate agent in Petersburg who has been handling
the University's property there, and it is recommended to the Board that the offer be accepted.

A deed was, thereupon, presented to the Board by which said Lots Nos. 9 and 10 of Block D in
"Hillcrest", are conveyed to J. C. Cheeley, Jr., Pauline Cheeley, and Alice Virginia Cheeley, parties making
said offer, and it was, thereupon-

RESOLVED that the President be and is hereby authorized and requested to execute said deed
in the name and on behalf of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, and E. I.
Carruthers, Secretary, is hereby authorized to affix the corporate seal thereto, attest the
same, and deliver said deed to the purchasers upon payment of the purchase price, from which it is
understood, that a commission of 5% shall be paid to M. H. Guthrie, the real estate agent making
said sale.