University of Virginia Library



The Board adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the University of
Virginia that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty

Dr. John S. Belew, as Acting Assistant Professor of Chemistry for the session of
1953-54, at a salary of $4,300.

Miss Helen Gunderson, as Assistant Professor of Speech, effective September 17,
1953-54, at a salary of $4,550.

Mr. Edward Stone, as Assistant Professor of English effective September 17, 1953,
at a session salary of $4,050.

Dr. Evan G. Pattishall, Jr., as Acting Assistant Professor of Psychology, part-time,
for the first semester of the session of 1953-54, at a salary of $750.

Mr. Louis J. Frana, as Instructor in Speech for the session of 1953-54, at a
session salary of $3,000.

Mr. Charles A. Herring, as Instructor in English, effective September 17, 1953, at
a session salary of $3,200.

Mr. Raymond Thorberg, as Instructor in English, effective September 17, 1953, at
a session salary of $3,400

Mr. Aubrey Huffman, as Instructor in Drawing in the Engineering School, effective
September 17, 1953, at a session salary of $3,600.

Dr. Oscar A. Thorup, as Instructor in Internal Medicine and Assistant to Dr. Hunter
as of August 1, 1953, at an annual salary of $5,000.

Dr. Robert V. Beeler, as Instructor in Opthalmology, as of July 23, 1953, at no
salary from the University

The Rev. Terence Y. Mullins, as part-time Instructor in Religion, effective
September 17, 1953, at a session salary of $1,200.

Mr. Jamal A. Sa'd, as part-time Instructor in Foreign Affairs, for the first
semester of the session of 1953-54, at a salary of $625.

Mr. Rouhollah Ramazani, as part-time Instructor in Foreign Affairs for the second
semester of the session of 1953-54, at a salary of $625.

Mr. Majid Khadduri, as Visiting Lecturer in Foreign Affairs for the first semester
of the session of 1953-54, at a salary of $1,000.

Mr. Norman Burns, as Visiting Lecturer in Foreign Affairs for the second semester of
1953-54, at a salary of $1,000.

Admiral A. C. Murdaugh, as Lecturer in Foreign Affairs for the session of 1953-54,
at a salary of $2,000.

Mr. Olen Kenneth Campbell, as Acting Assistant Professor of Education, effective in
September, 1953, at an annual salary of $4,500, to teach extension classes in southwest Virginia.

Dr. Franklin Martin, Jr., as Assistant Professor of Pathology, effective September 1,
1953, at an annual salary of $7,200 ($4,900 from the State; $2,300 from departmental earnings).

Mrs. Alice Bradshaw, as Instructor in Nursing, effective September 16, 1953, at a
salary of $4,128.

Miss Vivian White, as Assistant Professor of Nursing, effective October 5, 1953, at
a salary of $3,936.