University of Virginia Library


Mr. Black called to the attention of the Board the fact that attendance at the meetings
held at Mary Washington College at Fredericksburg, Virginia, was quite low. He thought it important
that as many members of the Board be present at meetings as possible. He suggested that the
Board consider the possibility of reducing the number of meetings held at Mary Washington College
from three per year to two per year.

President Darden said that he had a related matter that he wished the Board to give
some consideration to. It was his suggestion that the Board meet only every other month, but
for two days. In this way Thursday afternoon and evening could be spent with representatives
of the several schools, and the regular business meeting would be held as usual on Friday morning.
In this way the Board would become more familiar with the faculties of the several schools and
with their problems.

Both of these matters were taken under consideration by the Board.