University of Virginia Library


Dr. Emmett stated that the report of the committee of the clinical faculty of the Medical
School concerning a new salary scale for the clinical staff had been unanimously approved by
the entire clinical staff of the Hospital; that the Medical Committee of the Board of Visitors
had considered this plan very carefully and recommended to the Board its adoption

There were inquiries by Board members concerning certain phases of the plan and after
considerable discussion the plan was approved with the following amendments.

1. That the language of the plan be revised to state clearly that all expenses of the
several departments are to be covered before any distribution of excess earnings is made.

2. That costs of equipment which cannot be paid out of general running expenses are to
be paid out of the reserve funds

3. That title to all equipment will rest in the University.

4. That in the language of the plan where a chairman of a department and the dean are
required to approve a program of expenditures, the Bursar be added.

5. That out of the Research and Development Fund $1,500 a year be paid as a supplement
to the salary of the dean.

6. That within two years after adoption of the plan, a group clinic be established, the
plan for such clinic to be submitted to the Board for approval prior to its institution.

7. That the agreement be made retroactive to July 1, 1951.