University of Virginia Library


Jesse Ferret.—Innkeeper and proprietor of The Hero—a cautious
man, and somewhat afraid of his wife.

Sam. Hardesty.—Carpenter, so much under the weather as to
have had no time to make up his mind, notwithstanding
Mr. Flam's generosity towards him.

Quipes.—House and sign, plain and ornamental painter, glazier,
and artist in the Portrait and Landscape

Nicholas Hardup.—Cattle dealer, a borrower of money from
Mr. Flam, and, strange to tell, not yet satisfactorily
settled in his opinions.

Isaiah Crape.—Undertaker and conductor of funerals—Cabinet
and Furnishing storekeeper.

Sergeant Trap.—On the recruiting service at Quodlibet.

His Drummer.—A short and ferocious martialist.

Charley Moggs.—Boss loafer of Bickerbray, and promoted in
the army as Sergeant Trap's fifer.