University of Virginia Library


12. Faculty's [and General Faculty's] Minutes, 1825-1928.

17 vols., numbered I-XVII; XII-XVI dated. Separate index vol. for I-XII; index
attached in front of XIII-XVI. R: I-XVI. P: XVII.

Title varies: Faculty Records, I-III; Faculty Minutes, IV, X, XII-XVII; Faculty's
Minutes, V, VI, VIII, IX; Record, VII.

Minutes of the meetings of the Faculty (1825-1902) and of the General Faculty
(1902-1928). The minutes of the General Faculty's meetings since 1928 have
been kept but are not yet collected and typed. Under the supervision of the Librarian
a project is in progress for the making of a typewritten copy, with one carbon,
of the faculty's minutes; to date the years 1825-1830 have been covered.

13. [Minutes of the Academic Committee], 1899-1902.

1 vol.; dated. Not indexed. R.

Minutes of the meetings of the Academic Committee of the Faculty. Succeeded by
Academic Faculty Minutes (item 14).

14. Academic Faculty Minutes, 1902+.

5 vols.; I, III dated. Not indexed. R.

Title varies: no title, I; Record, II; Academic Faculty Minutes, III-V.

Minutes of the meetings of the Academic Faculty. Succeeds Minutes of the Academic
Committee (item 13).

14a. [Minutes of the Committee on Research], 1921+.

2 loose-leaf vols. Not indexed. V: I. C: II.

Minutes and correspondence of the Committee on Research, beginning Nov. 3, 1921,
regarding the granting of financial aid to faculty members for research projects.