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Sec. 17-7. Grading of milk and milk products.

At least once every six months, the health officer shall
announce the grades of all milk and milk products delivered
by all distributors and ultimately consumed within the city
or its police jurisdiction.

Grades shall be based on the following standards, the grading
of milk products being identical with the grading of milk,
except that the bacterial-count standards shall be doubled in
the case of cream and half and half and shall be omitted in
the case of sour cream, buttermilk, cultured buttermilk, cultured
milk, cottage cheese and creamed cottage cheese. Vitamin
D milk shall be only grade A pasteurized, grade B pasteurized
or certified pasteurized quality. The grade of a
milk product shall be that of the lowest grade of milk or milk
product used in its preparation. (Code 1959, § 17-7.)