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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Sec. 17-6. Examination of samples of milk and milk products.

During each six-month period, at least four samples of milk
and cream from each dairy farm and at least four samples
of milk, cream and homogenized milk from each milk plant
shall be taken on separate days and examined by the health
officer; provided, that in the case of raw milk for pasteurization,
the health officer may accept the test results of laboratories
which he has checked periodically and found satisfactory.
Samples of other milk products shall be taken and
examined by the health officer at least once during each six-month
period. Samples may be taken at any time prior to
the final delivery of the milk or milk products. Samples of
milk and milk products from stores, cafes, soda fountains,
restaurants and other places where milk or milk products are
sold shall be examined as often as the health officer may require.
All proprietors of such places shall furnish the health
officer, upon his request, with the names of all distributors
from whom their milk and milk products are obtained. Bacterial
plate counts, direct microscopic counts, coliform determinations,
phosphatase tests, efficiency of bactericidal treatment
and other laboratory and screening tests shall conform
to the procedures in the latest edition of "Standard Methods
for the Examination of Dairy Products" recommended by the
American Public Health Association. Examinations may include
such other chemical and physical determinations as the
health officer may deem necessary for the detection of adulteration.
Bio-assays of the vitamin D content of vitamin D
milk and milk products shall be made when required by the
health officer in a laboratory approved by him for such examinations.

Whenever the average bacterial count or the average cooling
temperature of the last four consecutive samples, taken
on separate days, is beyond the limit for the grade then held,
the health officer shall send written notice thereof to the person


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concerned, and shall take an additional sample, but not
before the lapse of three days, for determining a new average
in accordance with section 17-1, subsection (ss). Violation of
the grade requirements by the new average or by any subsequent
average during the remainder of the current six-month
period shall call for immediate degrading, suspension of permit
or court action, unless the last individual result is within
the grade limit.

Whenever more than one of the last four consecutive coliform
counts of samples taken on separate days are beyond
the limit for the grade then held, the health officer shall send
written notice thereof to the person concerned. He shall then
take an additional sample, but not before the lapse of three
days. Immediate degrading, suspension of permit or court
action shall be called for when the grade limit is violated by
such additional samples or when the grade limit is again violated
during the remainder of the current six-month period
by more than one of the last four consecutive samples, unless
the last individual result is within the grade limit.

In case of violation of the phosphatase-test requirement,
the problem cause shall be determined and corrected before
milk and milk products from the plant concerned again can be
sold as pasteurized milk or milk products. (Code 1959, §