University of Virginia Library


When first God made me, he
Set peace upon the sea.
My waters all were calm,
Like windless isles of palm.
But soon my strength arose;
I sprang up from repose:
And now two giants fight—
God, and the ocean's might.
Daily I gain more strength:
It may be I at length
Shall overwhelm and merge
The whole earth in my surge.


God's angels shall despair
When the tornadoes bear
My angels, through the night
Glittering,—my sea-birds white:
Above the dying ship
Fast in the black rock's grip
They hover, and they shine,
These angel-hosts of mine.
Lo! at my mad waves' shriek
Blenches the sailor's cheek.—
To-night is dark. The shore
Will never see him more.
His wife may wake and pray,
And watch the waste of spray:
I thunder to her prayer
One answering word—“Despair.”