University of Virginia Library


When sky-larks soaring to Heav'n were pouring
The trembling cadence of their long, sweet cry;
As lone I wandered and pensive pondered,
My Queen of Maidens she came musing by.
Her footstep faltered, she blushed and altered
Her crimson kerchief with gesture shy;
It could not hide her, and so beside her
I took the mountain track to old Athy.
Till as we rounded the ridge that bounded
The cowslip meadow from the coom below,
A sad, slow tolling, from far uprolling,
Cast sudden shadow on my colleen's brow.
In prayer low bending she knelt, commending
The parting spirit to Heav'n above,
And that one motion of pure devotion
Has set a hallowed seal upon my love.