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Fables in Song

By Robert Lord Lytton

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“Pardon, my great, my honour'd friend!
To raise myself, tho' life I spend
In rising, this,” replied the Mole,
“Was the ambition of my soul.
“As thro' the patcht and flinty field
My way I work'd with patient toil,
I listen'd, modestly conceal'd,
But with a soul above the soil,
“To birds who near my native earth
Their nests have built. Thy lofty birth
They praised, and praised thy lofty spirit.
Then to myself I said, ‘By merit


“‘And painful perseverance I,
Tho' lowly born may haply raise
My humble self (who knows?) as high
As him the world so high doth praise
“‘For being born above the world.’
The pomp of plumes in air unfurl'd,
The oarage swift of pinions wide,
To me were all such aids denied.
“But what of that? the goal's attain'd.
And I, the sturdy child of toil,
What birth denied, by toil have gain'd,
Tho' born a bondsman to the soil.
“For, to be great, the great condition
Is, I opine, a great position.
And great as thine is now mine own,
To those on whom we both look down.
“So be it mine (thine equal now)
With thee to see what eagles see,
With thee to know what eagles know,
What eagles feel to feel with thee!”