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Poems to Thespia

To Which are Added, Sonnets, &c. [by Hugh Downman]

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To the SAME,

On receiving his Poems to Thespia with a Sonnet prefixed.

The Merchant, who by dangerous ways
Cross burning sands, and raging seas,
Seeks goodly pearls, and Ophir's gold,
Thro' scanty patrimony bold,
Dear Downman never was so blest,
Nor felt his bosom half the zest
If some bright gem by fortune's whim
To princely wealth exalted him,
As I this morn, when by surprize
Your known initials met my eyes.
Thanks, my dear friend, from him receive,
Who grieved when you were known to grieve,
Who would with joy your welfare hear,
Ready in either cup to share.


Your kind address, your potent strain
Made me live o'er my life again.
Now quick and light my spirits flow,
My veins confess their pristine glow.
Again we thread the sportive round,
Or conn our tasks with murmuring sound,
With awe behold our master's nod,
And catch his smile, or dread his rod.
Again are our's new-born delights,
Unruffled days, oblivious nights,
And frolic jest, and young desire,
And emulation's active fire.
Now the Academic shades I view,
With Churchill blest, and blest with you.
To Doidge descends the friendly tear,
His memory I afresh revere,
Who happy found in early hour
Life's transient pains and labours o'er.
With you the path again I tread
While science urged, and Godwin led.


Sweet counsel we together took
From nature's and from learning's book.
Together studied varying man,
And wisdom's more abstracted plan.
But then, alas! fate changed the scene,
And accidents arose between,
To turn aside the pleasing source
Of our once frequent intercourse.
While you beyond Tweed's pebbled bed
With care the page of physic read,
Mix'd antient lore with modern art,
To stay pale death's oft-menaced dart:
I, deeply sunk in rural sloth,
To wonted exercises loath,
Inactive from the world withdrew,
And my friends lessen'd to my view.
And while they seem'd by me forgot,
I merited oblivion's blot.
But by your Thespia's magic power
Now raised from slumber's thick-wove bower,


I mount on Pegasean wing
Your undeserved regard to sing.
My Nymph too joins—nor deem the zone
Of nuptial worth is yours alone.
But should I wish to paint my flame,
Your lays I'll take, nor change the name.
In verse, or prose, of this be sure,
Still burns the fire of friendship pure,
Round you may every blessing spread!
Her kindly balm Hygeia shed!
And may your happy Thespia prove
Thro life's long day your constant love!
1781. GEO. BENT.