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Or what have poor mortals, alack! to be proud,
Whose lives are made up thus of Sunshine and Cloud?
Clearing and lowering,
Shining and showering;
Dark Shadows, bright Bubbles!
Short Pleasures, long Troubles;
Much rain, and much wind, and a little fair weather,
And all the odd elements jumbled together.
Take Life as it is then, its joy and its sorrow,
Though to-day's overcast it may clear up to-morrow;
And while the storm pours,
Or hurricane roars;
Lightnings flashing,
Thunders crashing;
Though on straw lies my head,
And yours on down-bed,
If snug we both lie,
Till the Tempest goes by,
Though you're in your palace, and I'm in my cot,
We both may be very well pleas'd with our lot.