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Poems on Several Occasions

With Anne Boleyn to King Henry VIII. An Epistle. By Mrs. Elizabeth Tollet. The Second Edition

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First Elder.
Tyrant of Youth! how oft we blame
Thy rash, ungovernable Flame?
Tho' not the Snows of hoary Age,
Can thy devouring Fire asswage.


Second Elder.
An aweful Air, and learned Pride,
From public Eyes our Frailties hide:
And, while the Passions lurk within,
Afford a specious Veil to Sin.
But what Discov'ry need I fear?

First Elder.
Then have I met a Rival here?

Second Elder.
What in these Shades does thee detain?

First Elder.
Of what, my Friend, dost thou complain?

Our common Guilt, our common Pain.

First Elder.
Wisdom! Virtue! Duty!
I confess your Sway:
What are you, when Beauty
Forces to obey?
While I gaze upon her
Phantoms all of Honour
Vanish quite away.

Second Elder.
See! to the gloomy Grove she goes,
To shun the fierce Meridian Beams:
Ye Zephyrs! lull her to Repose;
And tell my Passion to her Dreams.

The Croud and Senators are gone:
Securely I may bathe alone:
No Eye beneath, around, above,
Can pierce the Shades of this Alcove;


The Spring is clear, and undefil'd;
And fann'd with Breezes breathing mild.

Bring, ye Virgins! bring,
Liquid Sweets and fragrant Oil;
What the lavish Spring
Scatters on this happy Soil:
What Nature breathes, or Art composes,
From Nard, or Jessamin or Roses.

What can be so fair and sweet
As when Love and Virtue meet,
Thus to bless, the wedded Pair?
He so faithful, she so fair.

But O! ye Eastern Waters! as you flow,
Remember that our Country claims our Woe:
That neither Voice nor Lyre we can command,
Sighs check the Voice and Sorrow chills the Hand.

First Elder.
Whither dost thou hope to fly?
Love has a more piercing Eye.

Second Elder.
Whither dost thou hope to run?
Love has Flames thou canst not shun.

Ah me! what rustles thro' the Grove?

First Elder.
No Tiger fear ------

Second Elder.
'Tis only Love.


No Tiger fear ------
'Tis only Love.

Ah me! what Rustles thro' the Grove.

First Elder.
See! how your Beauty can enslave
The Learned, the Severe and Grave:
How Wisdom, Honor, Justice, Fame,
Submit to the victorious Flame.

Second Elder.
If rev'rend Age be counted wise,
Let Youth attend what we advise:
Nor vainly lose thy lovely Prime;
For Wisdom is but Use of Time.

Strange are the Words; unheard before:
O cease! that I may hear no more.

To Joachim my Vows are giv'n;
Be Witness Earth! and Witness Heav'n!
Can ever Earth or Heav'n allow,
That I should break the sacred Vow?

First Elder.
Who can our secret Love descry?

Second Elder.
Who to reveal the Tale is nigh?

But Witness Heav'ns all-piercing Eye.


Or send thy Succour from above,
Or inward Force inspire, S.
To guard me from forbidden Love;
Or quench their guilty Fire.

D. C.
First Elder.
Love ill repay'd to Vengeance turns:

Second Elder.
Vengeance than Love more fiercely burns.

Vengeance than Love ------

First Elder.
Then Love or Death.

Second Elder.
Then Love or ------

Be Death my Choice.

First Elder.
And Death of Fame by publick Voice.

And Death of Fame ------

In Heighth of Bliss and Bloom of Youth,
How hard it is to die?
To violate my plighted Truth
Is harder to comply.
Tho' to the Rage of impious Love
I fall a Sacrifice,
Yet know there is a Pow'r above,
Beholds with equal Eyes.


First Elder.
Stop, seize, pursue ------

What means the Call?

Second Elder.
The Youth has overleap'd the Wall.

What Youth?

First Elder.
Alas! in that Surprize
With her ------

Second Elder.
Cou'd we believe our Eyes!
He mocks our feeble Age, and flies;

First Elder.
We sought to hold, but he, more young,
Escap'd, and o'er the Fences sprung:
His Person was to us unknown;
Nor wou'd she tell when he was gone.

Incredible! did ever Fame,
Or ev'n Suspicion touch her Name?

Second Elder.
Our Age such Credit may obtain:
Our Testimony is not vain.
And since our Victor does permit
We in Judicature should sit,
To Joachim's Abode repair:
Let all the Senators be there.

First Elder.
Beauty may to Pity move;
Pity be the Bait of Love:


Justice, aweful and severe,
Veils her Eyes and shuts her Ear;
Scorns, the Bribe, and slights the Tear.

In Heav'n alone, in Heav'n I trust:
Tho' Man be impious and unjust.

Adieu ye Glades! ye Springs adieu!
Did ever I commit to you
A single Thought that shun'd the View!
Adieu! Adieu! Adieu!