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ODE XXV. To Bacchus.
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ODE XXV. To Bacchus.

God of Wine, resistless Pow'r!
Whither will you hurry me,
Full of the Deity,
Transported with a Rage unfelt before?
Whither, whither must I rove!
To what wild Cave, what distant Grove?
Where sing of Cæsar's high Renown,
His deathless Glory, starry Crown?
How with assembled Gods above
He sits majestick down,


And dictates sage Advice to Jove?
Give me a Theme that's great and new,
Untouch'd by any other Muse.
See! see! through Hills and Tracts of Snow
The Bacchanal distracted strays,
Whilst all the God her Frenzy does infuse;
How wild she looks! How swiftly she surveys
Hebrus, and Rhodope, and Thrace!
Thus mad, thus wild,
Through Woods and Shores I'd pass,
With Rage and Wonder fill'd.
God of the Virgin frantick Train!
Whose Hands the thrilling Jav'lin throw;
I scorn what's human, mean, and low,
Nor will attempt a mortal Strain:
All other Pleasures I forgoe,
Nor any Danger fear,
To follow such a God as you,
Who on your God-like Brow the cluster'd Garland wear.