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A paraphrase upon the canticles

and some select hymns of the New and Old Testament, with other occasional compositions in English verse. By Samuel Woodford

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—Tunc cecinit Israel Carmen istud. Ascendat Puteus! concinebat. Puteus quem foderunt Principes, & paraverunt duces multitudinis, in Datore legis, & in baculis suis. Num. 21.

Sacred Fountain, Mystic Spring,
Lo! how to Thy Dance we Sing,
And Cymbals tun'd by thy soft Purlings ring!
Spring eternally, O Well,
Spring up, and into Rivers swell!
For why, no common Well art Thou,
Nor was it chance first found Thee out;
But having for Thee searcht about,
To Princes Thou thy rise dost owe,
Who digg'd Thee first, and made Thee flow.


Spring, happy Well, by Princes made,
Without or Mattocks help, or Spade,
(The' ill-boading Instruments of Graves)
But digg'd by Princes, with their Staves,
And by their Lawgiver survey'd!
'Twas He to th' Work those Worthies sent;
Spring Well, and teach his great Intent,
And what He by the Mystery meant!
“That as to all Thy Waters flow,
“So should their equal Justice do.
Sacred Fountain, Mystic Spring,
Lo! how to Thy Dance we Sing,
And Cymbals tun'd by Thy soft purlings Ring!
Spring Eternally, O Well,
Spring up, and into Rivers swell!