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Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher

Containing Salomons Sermons or Commentaries (as it may probably be collected) vpon the 49. Psalme of Dauid his father. Compendiously abridged, and also paraphrastically dilated in English poesie, according to the analogie of Scripture, and consent of the most approued writer thereof. Composed by H. L. Gentleman [i.e. Henry Lok]. Whereunto are annexed sundrie Sonets of Christian Passions heretofore printed, and now corrected and augmented, with other affectionate Sonets of a feeling conscience of the same Authors

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21. The wise by wisedome safer liue, then Princes in their holds:
22. Yet none so perfect liues, their deed no sinne at all vnfolds.


Wisedome shal strengthen the wise man, more then ten mightie Princes that are in the citie.

For wisedome is (indeed) a heauenly gift,

Infusde to guide vs in earths pilgrimage;
Blest is his choice who therewith not vplift,
Doth peace procure, and worldly cares asswage,
Who trusteth in the comfort of her ayd,
In no affliction need to be affrayd.
She stronger is, and much of greater might,
Then any Princes power that euer was:
Yea Princes ten, combind gainst her to fight,
In force and prowesse shall her no way pas,
The strongest bulwarks that they can erect,
Doth art (by wisedome) soone to earth deiect.


Surely there is no man iust in the earth, that doth good and sinneth not.

This wisedome makes thee haue a secret peace,

Twixt God and thee, which if thou once attaine,
To feede the same, his grace will neuer ceace,
And that content for euer will remaine:
As for content the world afford thee can,
Its nothing worth, for vaine is euery man.
Let this therefore, be grounded in thy mind,
That man and all his workes vnperfect are,
That on the earth one man thou shalt not find,
That from true righteousnesse not strayeth farre,
Whose peruerse deeds, do oftentimes bewray
The wicked thoughts that in his bosome stay.