University of Virginia Library



As Anne, longe barren, Mother dyd become
Of hym who last was Judge in Israell,
Thou, last of prophetts borne, lyke Samuell,
Dydd'st from a wombe past hope of issue come.
Hys mother sylent spake; thy father, dombe,
Recoveryng speache, God's wonder dyd foretell;
He after death a prophet was in hell;
And thou unborne within thy mother's wombe.
He dyd annoynte the kynge, whom God dyd take
From charge of sheepe to rule his chosen land;
But that highe Kynge who heaven & earth did make
Receav'd a holyer lyquour from thy hand,
When God his flocke in humayne shape did feede,
As Israell's kynge kept his in sheepehird's weede.