The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan Edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by William Tough |
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The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan | ||
THE Cry of Blood and of A Broken Covenant
Written out at first upon the sad Relation of our late Soveraignes most treacherous and inhumane Murther.
King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, &ct.
This boldnesse, as conceiv'd to contribute
By Strong desires, that while all eyes observe
Your Motions, famisht hopes no more may starve.
God and your Kingdomes Call. The set tim's come
For Christ, in your Dominions to make rowme.
Beside our Violated Mariage-Band,
Blood cryes for vengeance, 'gainst the Traytrous hand
Of impious Parricids. To plead the last,
And act for proper intrests, Christ's o'repast,
Or judgt but next in order, (as a way
Prepostrous) your designes endanger may.
Seal'd for the Work, that (surety thus obtain'd)
Thy hand attesting, Thine in Truth's defence
Thy Standart may attend, with confidence.
Wait till thou mount thy Coach and climb the Skyes,
That Influence and Vertue, issueing thence
Inferiour Bodies, brought again to sense,
Long in the generall death detain'd, may see
Day once more dawne, renew'd by light from Thee.
Remembring, that attempts which scarce have dar'd
Peep forth at first for their deformity,
Have gain'd, upon acquaintance of the eye.
And when to ripenesse and full strength attain'd,
Smiles have alike and frownes been entertain'd.
With worst of news? do fancies and fond fears
Mock troubled minds? or doth a reall blow
For preface passe to Albion's overthrow?
Have Parricids, professing Brother-hood,
Put hand in Cæsar? shed his Royall Bloud?
Low in the dust this Island's Glory laid
And, at one stroak, her Children Orphans made?
Grief's tide flows higher, then, in this sad case,
Can calm'd be by expression: But, to speak,
Allegiance pleads. Men soberest, minds most meek,
Most free of passion, cannot but resent
This high Injustice; yea, in freedome vent
Their Thoughts, and what a dialect to use,
This bloody prelude speaks. Then free-born Muse
Words shall be heard of any milder straine
Then Martiall eloquence. In trumpets' sound
Be Scotland's Musick henceforth deeply drown'd,
From Heav'ns th' alarme, attended orders bee,
All doubts discust, all judgments clear and free.
Arme Gallants, Arme. The Battell is the Lord's.
For our Watchmen, the faithful MINISTRY.
Religion suffers by Usurpers, proud,
Of successe insolent. Now, Sion's plea
In dispute is, the Glorious Liberty
Of Sacred Truth restrain'd, It's beauty marr'd;
Prodigious Toleration boldly dar'd
To be maintain'd. How men upon them take
The ground-work of just Government to shake,
On Crowns to Trample, of due pow'r deprive
All pow'rs, from them that pow'r do not derive?
Discountenanc'd? Divine and Humane Lawes
All violate? How a reproach become
Our solemne Covenant, abroad, at home?
How are of Righteous Priviledge depriv'd
The highest Justice Courts? The honest side,
Expos'd, as preys, to avarice and pride?
Imprison'd, spoil'd, effronted, put to flight,
Of lives and fortunes not secure one night.
Strike not these Apostates? The Highest One
Conceiv'd our losses and our suffrings great,
While over-aw'd by Arms, till God arose,
Made bare his Arme, and Proudlings did oppose;
But Rods of Children, reck'ning, here, and there,
We, but the finger, they the loyns do bear.
Shall in this exigent faith also fail?
To you bold freedome fitly doth agree
Whom Truth in former Tryalls hath set free.
As heavens give order, your Commission shew,
Men of God's Counsell. God drives on designes
(In which, his Justice and deep wisdome shines)
By men, whose wills his hand leads on to act
His holy will, and guilty of the fact
Them holds, as having byass'd from his ends,
By other motions turn'd then he intends,
And all for their just ruine. Whence to fire
Shall Rods, when God's Commission doth expire.
Perfidious Traytours to Christ Jesus' Crown?
As clouds evanish, as the morning dew,
As Chaffe, and chimney smok driven hence we view,
Shall not divine displeasure sweep away
From off the earth thoses warmes that dimne our day?
Shall publick Prayer, and the secret moan
Of Saints, unanswer'd ly at Justice Throne?
To you the times is given to understand;
Shew, if fit times do call, hand join'd in hand
That all for God, true valour to improve,
With Echoes of joint acclamations, move,
Let Colours fly, Drums beat. Gird on your Swords.
Arme, Gallants, Arme; the Battell is the Lord's.
For the States of Parliament.
Of Government is given, set far a-side
Your private Intrests. Not to make you great,
Proud, Powerfull, or Rich, the Trust of State
On you conferr'd is: for the Publike Good,
Not Goods, your actings would be understood.
On you are many eyes. Eyes, from above,
Below, within, without, pry how ye move,
How equally ye walk. But here I'le hold,
And begs your pardon, if I haue been bold.
With growing stormes; when things of greatest cost
And highest value, by this Isle enjoy'd,
Endanger'd are. Our Soveraigne's life destroy'd,
Our Soveraigne's dearest life; his Royall blood,
(To usher in a shamefull servitude)
Pour'd forth; His Scepters to posterity,
Decern'd a Trophee of proud Tyranny;
These Kingdomes' Heir exild (our Soveraign Lord)
And almost all the Issue, at a word
To be led forth to death (a sacrifice,
In smoake whereof their glory to arise
Unto its highest point, as safest mean
By them, for their securitie foreseen,)
What pawse ye? Whence proceeds this silence deep?
Your enemies (beleev't) are not a-sleep.
Shall men so desperately wicked hold
Their hand, the Father of three Nations, bold
To put to death, and not with jealous eye
Look on the Children, tyed to aske them why?
Associates look ye for, from forraigne parts
Of Christian Kings the veynes all opened found?
Till Ephraim, not at one with God, engadge,
Till Israel Arme; which, ordered to depart,
(By this conjunction, Amaziah's heart
Made haughty, and lift'd up,) turnd discontent,
And Judah's Cities spoiling, as they went,
Shed blood at will, and did no outrage spare
That (now-a-dayes) the basest villaines dare.
But what? These gone, did Edom gaine the day?
Was Judah's King delivered as a prey,
For want of pow'r? No. Hee who stay'd the Sun
On Gibeon; and in Ajalon the Moone,
Till on his foes aveng'd; by Judah's hand
A victory most glorious did command
For Judah's host. But grief doth heer arest
My trembling hand, appal'd to write the rest.
To Edom's idols didst thou turn aside
Wretch'd Judah, while their spoiles thou didst divide?
O yes; from Truth, there, shamefully thou fell,
And justly turn'd thy back to Israel,
Which, made thy Rod, thy ruine quickly wrought,
Thy King to Perish, by the People, brought.
God, only wise, your heart with Counsell fill,
That, quitting of your selves like men of skill,
Fast what ye have ye hold, lest all cast down
Built heer-to-fore, ye lose a glorious Crown.
Whose eye must guide you. Now, our King's distresse,
The cry of blood, shed by a murthering hand,
The infamy of a despised Land,
The fowlest of affronts; Call, yea conjure
All ranks, by all the Tyes, known to secure
Religion, publike Interests, private Rights,
'Gainst open force, and undermining slights;
Of deepest wrong, haue weight or influence
On loyall Scottish hearts, in sight of Heaven
Your just resentment and offence made eaven,
As instruments of God joine heart and hand
To raise the Glory of this slighted Land,
Men calling to account, by whom is shed
The blood, that brethren hath unbrothered.
Yet neither case, nor cure are desperate.
Faith to improve, the Oath of God you tyes,
Whose proof of Mercies mercy yet implyes
Unto Beleevers, fears who dare out-face,
And footsteps of preceeding paths can trace.
Your wayes on him devolve (sure) he will do,
To fight who taught your fingers hitherto.
Frogs, Flyes, Dry bones, Hee, ere ye Armies want,
Shall for you Arme, the Arme of flesh to daunt.
Let Colours fly, Drums beat. Gird on your swords.
Arme, Gallants, Arme. The Battell is the Lord's.
For the Commanders in chief and faithfull Souldiery.
At armes; whose Glory, deeply Registred,
Stands to succeeding Times, as men of Trust,
Integrity, and tendernes, in Just
Defence of Truth, King, Country, Covenant,
God calls anew. Behold, he will not want
Your Testimony. Never grounds more clear
For Noble action, did then now appear.
In Scotland's late Eclipse? How clear is seen
In quality and number, were possest
Of a Malignant Spirit, did ye stand
Free of Compliance, Order, or Command
Destructive to his Cause, and closely kept
At your first Principles? The hand that heapt
Upon them shame did fixe you in your spheare,
That yet his Standart ye on high might reare.
I ask, enjoy ye (if a tongue can finde
Words sutable) whom frown, nor favour's smile,
Nor Hopes, nor Honours, from the fatall Isle
Whence were reviv'd our woes, (Preferment, Place,
And Pension proof) enduc't not, charge t' embrace
Saints' blood to shed; while (witnesse to their zeal)
To some, death sign'd a passe; and some a seal
Bare hence, best suteing base Malignancy;
Men, whom unsound diseased Times did try.
Calls for your vindication, how ye clear
Your Rendring in the powre of Armed bands
Your Rendred Prince, while pow'r was in your hands.
1. As proceeding from Trust to these manifold professions, protestations, declarations, yea engagement of the publike faith of the Kingdom in order to a safe, free and honourable Treaty between the King and Parliament.
2. From the foreseen danger to the Work of Reformation and breach of the peace of the Kingdoms through his Ma, supposed purpose of addresse to Scotland, being firme in judgment and profestly standing for grounds solemnly abjured by Us and destructive of the Covenant.
Yea publick faith empaund,) who have not heard
How, not a shew pretended of intent,
Save (for a Treaty with the Parliament)
To serve his Royall Person for a guard,
Yet, of base acts they not the basest spar'd
Could serve their ends? And, what the Consequence
Had (heer) produc't, (if by your conduct hence
He should haue hither turn'd, while broiles and blood,
(Effects of factions and of tumults rude)
The Land did fill, who lay aright to heart?
Yea, while his resolution not to part
With principles (exprest, by him, a Tye
Which Life and Crownes engadg't,) for Prelacy
While this His minde his Majestie assur'd,
Who could haue (heer) comply'd? Who, saue these men
(Our Peace-disturbers) should haue said Amen?
How (both within, and from without, renu'd)
Had not a bloody dispute thence ensu'd?
Us, Conscience of our League keept firme. If they
Prevaricating, wickedly did stray
From Honour, Duty, Faith, then grounds how Just
Thus offer, how this doubt may be discust?
How best your candour and ingenuous way
May as the Sun appear at the Noon-day,
Endeavouring (in due time) to Right a wrong,
Which heavens, though men should passe, shall judge ere long.
All with their sin who stick not to comply,
Call to make ready, and for God to rise,
For King and Country, lookt on as a prise
By men of bloods. Thus shall fowl mouths be closde
Your streight proceedings to reproach disposde,
Thus Scotland's glory grow, and thus made known
That Gedeon's hundreds heer, our God will own,
Lead forth, and fit, when he the word shall give
For him to Act; dead hearts who can revive,
Even prompt your hands and Spirits for these ends
On which the Generall Happinesse depends,
The Prince and People acting (one in heart
In Will and Counsell) each, a gallant part,
Engadg'd in God; on which condition closde
Our Noble undertakings are supposde,
That all obstructions from the way remov'd
By Uniforme consent may be approv'd.
Let Colours fly, Drums beat. Gird on your swords.
Arme, Gallants, Arme. The Battell is the Lord's.
For the People and Commonalty.
Religion's forward friends with Life in hand,
For Christ who have adventred, meerly driven
By reason of his Right and Title given
To earth's remotest ends; by whom enclinde
This Generation, seriously did minde
Their Intrest in the Promises to owne,
By Gospell Light made to Beleevers known,
Held forth unto the Church; from whence to heart
Was lay'd, (in speciall duty on our part)
For Christ, King, Country, into Covenant
To enter, and rich successe ne'er did want
While honestly, in Men and Angels' view
We jointly moving, did joint ends pursue.
And now, while after so much blood's expense,
Cost, Paines, and prayers (in our Just Defence)
Our hopes were far advanc'd, Behold, the way
Obstructed is anew. Ludibrious Clay
Dare craule on borrowed leggs, and Heaven defy,
The Son of God take on its top, and try
His work to overturne, Himself dethrone,
And, in the hand of his Anointed One,
The Scepter break. What honest heart not bleeds,
What spirit's not on edge, at these misdeeds,
These unexampled Acts, that dim the glory
To these, and after-times, of Christian story?
Choose slaves to darknesse, servants unto men,
To yeeld yourselves or venter? Yet a day
Doth Christ (heer) call for, on His Royall way
Of noble conquest, can it sute your minde,
Your spirits, by a Covenant refin'd,
You kept not hitherto, that ye remaine
Till now unvanquish'd? set before your eyes
What, even what not, at stake in hazard lyes,
And, gath'ring from past practise, how have been
All your attempts for Christ successefull seen,
Set foreward stoutly, in his strength stand to it,
Not bow nor shield, the Lord's Right Hand must do it,
Who, if our King He Instrumentall make,
As Orderer of the Play, the stage to take
(In answer to our earn'st desires), by all,
Be held a presage most auspicious shall,
For which we pray, yea hope; that grounds to none
Occur, of controversie 'gainst the Throne;
As of his Diadems the Royall Right
He would establish (in his foes' despight)
To Christ committed, every way beside
God's way disclaim'd; As on His part to side,
Engage he would the pow'rs of Earth and Heaven,
And, by His Order, may (for word) be given:
Let Colours fly, Drums beat. Gird on your swords.
Arme, Gallants, Arme. The Battell is the Lord's.
For the KING.
Of greatest Princes, Righteous Soveraigne,
The Scepter over Kingdoms set to swey,
That gifted are to Christ in speciall way,
Where, while He Lawes for Government doth give,
And takes the Throne, hath mad't Thy lot to live.
These, for advantage of the just extent
Of His prerogative, so Thou improve,
Thy throne's-establishments best mean shall prove.
In all His Offices; thy duties line
That not transgressing, as ingag'd, He may
Imploy for thee His pow'r, May in the day
Of danger make thy peace, and wisedome give,
Thy people's dying heart's how to revive,
For bow before Him, as the meanest, must
The Most, and Mightiest of created dust.
But such as doth his absolutenesse fit
Of Soveraignty, which most consistent stands
With Regall pow'r, by Him put in thy hands,
For, who Himself the Lord Jehovah shew,
Hath said, to Cæsar give what's Cæsar's due.
That lifted up by Him thy head may be;
A blank put in His Hand; upon thy heart
The heads that He may fill, for either part,
Of an eternall League; In which to deal
Ingenuously that thou intends, the Seal
Set to the holy Band, (A priviledge
To every King not Common) for a pledge
Of faith ingag'd shall serve, and clear thy way
Of great obstructions, in thy Rising day.
To join thy shoulder in unequall yoke
Of bad associations, or to call
Unto thy counsell men of Beliall,
Who, in thy tender bosome, to infuse
The poyson of bad principles will chuse.
Yet joy we ever, Sacred Soveraigne,
That from thy Father's loines, who Rul'd of late,
Succeedeth One to fill the Chaire of State,
From Race to Race, all whose Dominions may
Thy just commands most loyally obey.
More deep and deadly, that may make her wound
By harboring, in a jealous heart, mistakes,
Of which the thought the very ground-work shakes
Of mutuall confidence. O daign to hear
Their just desires, with thee who burden bear,
To stand and fall, to live and dy with thee
In God, whose bands Inviolable be.
On Christian Subjects doth convincing lye,
Attempts to owne, for which those men do move,
Who most unjustly thy just pow'r improve,
And pleading for all crimes commission, staine
The tender honour of a Soveraigne,
As tyrant turn'd. We humbly do deny,
These practises may passe for loyalty
To God, and thee in Him, our duties bound
To Soveraignty supreme relating found,
So that on us restraining bonds are laid,
Till surety of Religion be made,
Till Solemn League and Covenant be own'd
By Thee, for Christ, in Truth's defence, enthron'd,
To which, while in suspense of thy consent,
Our hands are feeble, and our spirits faint.
Thy Regall pow'r; of all Thine enemies
The necks be given Thee, to be trampled on,
Religion, Government, Christ's and Thy Throne
Who dare oppose. O that thou may'st lay hold
And fasten grips upon these locks of Gold
Found on Time's fore-head, and from events learn
Of ling'ring Resolutions to discern
Sad successes. Thus Heaven Thy counsels blesse,
And make Thy Throne a Throne of Righteousnesse.
As Monarch of thy Subjects' hearts, for Thee
Thus many to the Throne of Grace shall flee,
Shall cordially cry, when God doth call,
Let Colours fly, Drums beat. Gird on your swords.
Arme, Gallants, Arme. The Battell is the Lord's.
Grounds of Hope for Beleevers.
Heard is the freedom of the Muse's strain?
Us adversaries brave on either hand,
These, on successefull fate's smooth conduct stand.
Grown desperate are others, whose disgrace
Through failings of attempts, leaves shame of face.
Both at advantage ly. Shall this breed fear?
No: We a Chiftain follow who shall clear
Our way, and (in this sad temptation's houre,
On travell, in the greatnesse of his pow'r,
As gifted with Earth's ends and Isles, where we,
Rul'd by His Scepter, live) shall the decree
Past in his favours earst (even Ours, by right
Of promise) see, for us fulfil'd, in spight
Of opposition, on his word who rest,
Whose times, and wayes of working are the best.
Saints' blood have shed, yet (while this tempest blows)
Who not discerne (unto its greatest hight
The throne of Antichrist attain'd, the light
Of many Gospel Truths begun to shine)
That, drest in Armes for warfare (to refine
His Gold, and purge away the object Ore)
Christ is marchd forth (flames ushering him before)
In bloody Garments, through destruction dyde
Of Truth's opposers, who shall prosperous ryde
Before as silent, in his suffering day?
(As, in this case, Lands a Religious end
Professing, (nothing so), deserv'dly, have
Been trampled on,) us might our hopes deceive.
But formally for Christ, in termes direct
We for his title stand, (all due respect
Had to our Soveraigne's intrests, in the right
Of all his Crownes). Will Christ his quarrell slight,
Not vindicate His Honour? not maintain
The setled Order of his house, in vain
Els heer (alone) establisht by his hand
At such expense of Means, throughout the Land,
Yea of his People's blood, dear in his sight?
Which Order (hitherto) gainst hellish slight
And brutish force, so tendered Providence,
That, not one dyat of his Church, hath (thence)
Been mar'd from meeting; neither any part
Of all his work foes suffred to evert.
In beauty where his Ordinances shine,
Will he not care for, cover with his wing,
And guard against those men, a meaner thing
Who counted have the Oath of God, and past
So lightly, from proud necks, his yoke to cast?
In heathen's favours, on his People hath,
In favours of his People, from on high,
Let passe unplagued heathnish perfidie?
While some designe, Christ next a King to place;
Or (thus disguisde) are found upon the chace
Of self-advantages, a cloake to draw
Of zeal, of duety of supremest Law.
Yea, while with Christ, deny'd to raigne alone,
Their Dagon Others, his divided Throne
Have priviledged all the powers of hell.
And planting men, by whom his Kingdome gaines,
(A Ministrie according to his heart)
That bloody hands the Gospel spoiles should part?
Or hath our Lord a tender brood begot
Of children heer, his weaklings to devote
To bloody hands, his youth; whose chiefest thing
Desirable, is to detaine the King;
Yea, while on life and death resolv'd they have
Close to his Truth and Covenant to cleave?
Our joyes of successe, speaks the Sprite of lyes?
Or shall the Saints, to whom he doth declare
His counsell, (friends, who on his secrets are)
With what he doth acquainted, in this case,
(This case alone) for hopes have shame of face?
And yet may low be laid, that every mean
In which we might conceat, abasde may be,
Even all our Glorie's pride staind we may see.
But when in us all strength is spent and gone,
Turne and Repent him shall that Holy One;
He, all whose wayes his searchlesse wisdome sute,
And for his Works perfection contribute
Shall purge the Land, and Rebels' plots supplant,
Unmindfull never of his Covenant:
Els with that Throne of sin should Christ partake
For framing mischief, which a Law doth make.
(Day of rebuke and blasphemy,) on way
While brought the Child is to the place of birth,
That from the womb strength faileth to bring forth.
For say, all means should fail, how great our shame
To doubt that Christ shall magnifie His Name.
Yea sin on foot, to fill the Land be found,
Yet he, his People who doth not foresake,
The Holy Seed shall for its substance take,
And with his vine (provockt) if he debate,
The stroake in measure he shall moderate.
While Jesus Christ his Standard rears on high.
Fall may who ripe are to receive the Crown,
Or rotten branches, fit for hewing down,
But fall who will, the Cause shall never fall,
While stick to him a seed, a Remnant shall.
For he, who comes in judgement, Lands to sift,
Against the sorcerers, a witnesse swift,
Shall, cloath'd with vengeance, poure contempt and shame
Upon false-swearers, by His Holy Name.
Then Colours fly, Drums beat. Gird on your Swords.
Arme, Gallants, arme. The Battell is the Lord's.
Grounds of Comfort and Encouragement for the Secret Mourners of England (and els where) resolving stedfastnes in the Covenant.
Their fountaines force, and Muse, while Britaine hears
No language but Alarmes, no milder sounds
Then of engadgements, Tumults, Death and Wounds?
A day, in which God calls for mourning, is,
A gloomy day, in which the Childe of Light
Sitt's in the shads of darknes, short of sight.
The day of Joseph's straits; of deep distresse
To many a precious soul, chaisde (for redresse)
To him who's Mighty, on whom help is layd,
His suffring Members, by his Arme to ayd,
(His Arme, that earst proud Rahab, and the snaike
In peeces cut, and way through waves did make)
That yet made bare, it may awake, to wound
The Dragon's Seed, from principles unsound
Which poison spreading and dispersing snares
The simpler to surprise, by fraud or fears
Unstable souls seduce; from whence (the way
Of Truth blasphem'd) are vexd, from day to day,
The souls of Saints; while men, who mischief frame,
Like raging waves, foame forth their filth and shame.
Shall Tasks enjoyne, and straiten (as they please)
The cords of thy Captivity, at best
The rods are, on the Righteous lot that rest.
How-ever bound in Conscience to resent
Their practises, whence doth arise our Rent,
To you, for War, do not our Trumpets sound.
No. Your sad posture doth our Spirits wound,
In order unto which resolv'd we have
With you, and for you, to our League to cleave,
With Charity to All, who pure and clean
To keep their Garments, upon guard have been,
And waiting are, God's Way and Time to take,
The Yock of bondage from thrald necks to shake
That, (as sweet fruits from these effects) may spring
The Fear of God, and Honour of the King.
Upon these ends. Become shall Ephraim (mix'd
Among the People) like an unturn'd Cake,
Or heartlesse Dove, discourag'd, faint, and weak?
God (doubtlesse) for himself, airl'd (earst) in Thee
A Church O England, set from darknesse free,
While at the stake, thy faithfull Martyrs stood
A good Confession, sealing with their blood.
Yea, God the Bargan (yet again) renewd
2. As a Land which hath revived the Bargan afresh with Christ, having sworn his Covenant and sealed it with so many lives, sacrificed for it, there. God hath in wisedom made the enemy in that land be seen in their Colours, hath gathered together with arms in their hands, and permitted to stur (as he hath set the bounds) for manifesting his own Glory in his Churche's Deliverance, by their more speedy overthrow, and the fuller execution of fury upon them.
When that espoused Land, with love pursud,
His Covenant did swear, and at low rate
Did value lives, that Jesus might be great.
His foes together arm'd, for Armes who sought,
And let them out a link, that stir they may,
Yet so as no where, but as He gives way,
Thus shall He in one houre, or day, decide
What else some ages dispute might abide.
Wait on that Holy One who hides his face
From Jacob's house; sure, He you gather shall,
And tenderly deal with his remnants small.
Who 'gainst him first ingadg'd, hath God this foe
Rais'd up, but heard shall in its season be
The vision. Issu'd forth is the decree.
It's time God's Glory (from His acts of pow'r)
Their times, yea promises conditionall
Have for accomplishment. The work withall
Its time of best advantage hath. Assign'd
To each the proper time is. Till we finde
All in one point to meet, none may complain,
Nor of delayes a jealous thought retain.
Let this suffice, your times are in his hand,
Who from the fire can pluck a kindled brand,
Shall help right early, and the best time keep.
And times, and wayes, and means harmonious made
To bring to passe His Ends; and did foresee
Delayes, which arbitrary were and free,
To his deep wisdome, gainfull. So though (now)
Ye know not what he doth, ere-long to you
His face he shall unvail. Then make no hast,
Yee who by faith, on promises can feast,
But patience shew, till God shall give the word,
Which Heaven and Earth to publish shall accord.
Let Colours fly, Drums beat. Gird on your Swords.
Arme, Gallants, Arme. The Battell is the Lord's.
And grounds of hops, men's confidence to take,
Till God put to his hand; Great King of Saints,
In whom for Thine nor pow'r nor wisdom wants,
On Thee alone is left, That light divine
May by the Spirit to our Watch-men shine,
Keept free and faithfull, Taught the times to know,
By them, that Counsell (seasonably) may flow.
Proposd in Covenant with Thee; what tends
To Truth's advantage (in their heart acquaint
With Christ), to prosecute be their intent,
That (self-deny'd) all grounds of jealousies
May perish, (private ends far from their eyes)
And shoulders joining, unto duties prone,
The work may equally be caried on.
By God, unto their undertakings eaven.
From all engadging in this Holy War.
Before him, in their Spirits floorishing,
Not shrinking at supplyes, while all is layd,
And in decision, as the game is playd.
All Counsell, not for good, that may controul,
To lead him in this Maze, discovering snares,
That grounds are of his danger, of our fears.
That joine he may, in heart, for God, and glad
The Land, our blessing, and our glory made.
Who Peace lay hold on purchased by blood,
But perish all, who principled from hell,
Hold on their way and proudly means repell.
Of much good-will) rest chearfull underneath
Thy exercising hand, in confidence
Pursuing duties, that due glory thence
To Thee may rise, to whom all knees shall bow,
And wait with praises to perform the Vow.
The works of Sir William Mure of Rowallan | ||