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Poems of John Stewart of Baldyneiss

From the MS. in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh: Edited by Thomas Crockett

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The greatest soucie nixt eternall gloir,
Quhartill Ilk nobill nature sould pretend,
Is that guid name thair doings may decoir,
Quhan that the parks hes spone thair fatall end.
O famus fame, than grant me guid commend
fra tym my vofull veirie dayis be past,
for veill I vat bot trauell lost I spend
To crawe it now quhill this my lyf doith last,
Because so monie bittir bailful blast
from mouths maling maliciouslie brists out,
That but regard our guid desert thay cast
Doune in the dust, And wreyis it vrang about.
heirfoir, O fame, reserwe for me guid name,
And giwe tham schame, Quho speikith to my blame.