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The Furies

With Vertues Encomium. Or, The Image of Honour. In two Bookes of Epigrammes, Satyricall and Encomiasticke. By R.N. [i.e. Richard Niccols]

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Epig. XVI.

VVill you know how we English men excell
All other Nations? euery one can tell,
Time and occasion out of all the rest,
Hath doubtlesse made an English man the best.
His head and neck are Spanish; for his hat
And ruffe vnto the World can witnesse that.
His back is french, clad in their court quaint weeds:
His belly German; for with them he feeds:
His breech Venetian, greedie in delight:
His legs are dutch, that cannot goe vpright:
He then I thinke is best, since all these can
Hardly make vp a perfect English man.